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Young adults struggling to cope with COVID-19, research suggests


VANCOUVER-A recent study suggests that older people are the best responders to the COVID-19 pandemic when it comes to emotional well-being.

According to the University of British Columbia, a survey of residents in Canada and the United States found that people over the age of 60 had the best results so far.

Middle-aged young people were more likely to have a hard time, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences Suggests.

“Our findings provide new evidence that older people are emotionally resilient, despite the public discourse that older people often talk about their vulnerabilities,” Patrick, lead author of the study, said.・Kleiber said. News release issued by UBC..

“We also found that young adults (18-39 years) were at increased risk of loneliness and emotional distress during a pandemic.”

According to graduate students, some of the differences in coping abilities may be stress factors with aging.

Young and middle-aged adults (40-59 years old) had to deal with unemployment or work-at-home, parenting and home-based education.

“They are also more likely to experience different types of ongoing non-pandemic stressors than older people, such as interpersonal conflicts,” Kleiber said.

Older people may be worried about COVID-19, but many have age-appropriate coping skills, such as increased mortality and serious complications.

This is a message that matches the comments received from a British health official earlier this week.

Dr. Bonnie Henry gave a speech at a news conference on Monday, saying that a local survey suggested the same: young people were most struggling with mental health issues.

A “significant percentage” of British Columbia residents said they felt their mental health was worsening because of fears of the virus, fear of unemployment, and difficulties in caring for their families.

She reported that about one-third had poor access to health care and said 15% were worried about having food on their table.

But she said young people make up the bulk of what she called “mental health and financial burden…”. This may be because the pandemic affected many professions in which they worked.

“Young people need to move because of poor mental health, increased access to counseling, job failure, difficulty meeting economic needs, and affordability,” said Henry. More likely to report that it is more likely to occur.”

“One in four young people also reports health conditions associated with risk of severe COVID disease.”

According to Henry, adults with children report higher mental health and financial burden than adults without children. “Mental health deterioration, stress, sleep deprivation, increased alcohol consumption, especially concerns about economic conditions”

She said the success of BC in flattening curves was challenging, saying more to some than to others.

Analyzing data, including race and socioeconomic status, can help guide state responses.

Henry said he was happy to see the data suggesting that older people have elasticity.

“It makes me very happy how we can support each other,” she said.

In the UBC study, daily diary data collected from 776 participants between mid-March and mid-April suggest that the elderly group had more positive reactions on that day. Young people did not often quote positive interactions, but they benefited most from them, Kleiber said.

“This is a good reminder for young adults to create more opportunities for physically remote or remote positive experiences as a way of relieving pain during a pandemic.”


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