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These three simple steps could potentially block the spread of COVID-19


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Wearing a social distance and wearing a mask will prevent the spread of COVID-19. Getty images
  • Vaccines may be important for blocking the virus altogether, but new research has discovered that a simple step may help dramatically reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
  • Hand washing, physical distance, and wearing a mask can significantly reduce or stop the spread of the virus.
  • For these steps to work, at least 50% of the population must adopt them.

As cases of COVID-19 continue to proliferate throughout the United States, state and local authorities are demanding that people take steps that may help delay the spread of the virus.

Vaccines may be important for blocking the virus altogether, but new studies have discovered that a simple step may help dramatically reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

of New research We found that the three steps in PLOS Medicine could help stop or delay the outbreak of COVID-19 in the absence of a vaccine.

The three steps are easy: washing hands, physical distance, and wearing a mask.

Research authors say these measures can significantly reduce the spread of the disease, even in the absence of vaccines, if a sufficient number of people take steps to protect their health and reduce the risk of infection I have found that I can.

The study says more than 50% of the population must adopt measures to prevent large-scale epidemics.

“If the population quickly becomes aware of coronaviruses and effective preventative measures, voluntary preventive measures can reduce and prolong the peak case size,” the author said.

Researchers have developed a computational model of the epidemic of COVID-19 based on known information about the epidemiology of the disease. The model was used to study the predictive effects of precautionary measures.

“A combination of voluntary prevention measures can delay or reduce the peak of the epidemic, especially if adopted by government-imposed social distances, particularly quickly and by the majority of the population,” the study authors said. Is writing.

While all these voluntary preventative measures, such as frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and physical distance, have proven to be effective alone, the combination is the ultimate triple threat to COVID-19. Will be.

by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Physical distance, also known as social distance, can provide an important time for improving medical competence.

CDC used a mathematical model to investigate the effect of physical distance. The results showed that distant interventions that started early in the epidemic did indeed flatten the epidemic curve.

CDC I will check again Washing hands means keeping people healthy and preventing the spread of respiratory infections.

If you touch your face with unwashed hands, touch a contaminated surface, blow your nose, cough, sneeze, and touch other people or things, the bacteria will And spread from the surface.

Similarly, Mayo Clinic Make sure face masks help slow the spread of coronaviruses.

The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets that occur when a person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Masks, whether surgical or cloth, help trap droplets and stop the spread of infection.

Ah Previous research From April 2020, it has been shown that universal masking has emerged as one of the major non-pharmaceutical interventions to control or slow the spread of the virus.

Research shows that universal masking (with at least 80% of the population participating) Serious impact It is most effective when universal masking is adopted at an early stage in terms of slowing the spread.

“This is what we are all saying, heard from a public health expert from the beginning of the pandemic,” he said. Dr. Matthew G. Heinz, A Tucson-based hospitalist and internist.

“In states like Arizona, Texas, and Florida, all states where the community is endemic and swirling— [these three measures] You need to force it. It must be mandatory,” he said. “Now no one should go anywhere. This is what we need to manage things for at least a month.”

Countries such as New Zealand, for example, have almost immediately implemented self-isolation measures, Crush the curve, According to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Three days after WHO declared a public health emergency, New Zealand began implementing preventative measures.

In contrast, the United States recently 70,000 new cases In one day, as a result of the country’s densely populated states continuing to reopen, with the majority of the population refusing to wear masks,

Dr. Scott WeisenbergClinical Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at NYU Langone Health in New York City, explains that taking small steps, such as wearing a mask and avoiding contact with people outside the home, can have significant implications. did.

“The highest risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is due to prolonged close contact, especially indoors,” Weisenberg said. “People who haven’t been asymptomatic can spread the virus to others.”

“A combination of social distance, universal mask wear, and hand washing is the most effective way to reduce the risk of individual infection and control the spread of the virus to the community,” he said. Said.

Heinz pointed out that although it may be difficult to adopt these measures, they are temporary.

“Nobody likes lockdowns,” he said. “It’s frustrating for everyone, but we have to do this, or there’s no hope or prayer for the kids to return to school until January at this time. But we work hard If you do, there is a slight chance you can do it late. [These measures] It cannot be an option. There must be state-wide rules. “


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