Targeted ground spraying of Arlington, Pantego, West Nile virus 22-23 July 2020
July 22, 2020
The city of Arlington has identified five positive West Nile virus (WNV) mosquito samples. As a result, the city will spread the target ground at the following locations:
In addition, two positive West Nile virus (WNV) mosquito samples were identified in the town of Pantego in the area adjacent to Arlington. The positive trap location was in Pantego, but the CDC recommended a target ground spray distance from the trap location, including parts of the city of Arlington
Targeted ground sprays are applied as recommended by the Arlington City Department of Health, Tarrant County Public Health Center, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and only in areas where the presence of the virus is confirmed. The contractor will apply the ground coverage for two consecutive nights, from 9pm to 5am on Wednesday, July 22 and Thursday, July 23, if weather permits. This targeted ground spraying schedule aims to reduce the number of known adult mosquitoes infected with the virus as soon as possible before the weekend when individuals and families are likely to be outdoors.
City contractors use ultra-low-volume applications of water-based permethrin products in certain areas where the introduction of larvicides and other measures have proven ineffective. Since the beginning of the mosquito season, the city has routinely captured and deployed pesticides in strategic locations throughout Arlington. The crew also investigated lowlands for still water, a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Arlington has also partnered with the Tarrant County Public Health Department to educate the public on the simple steps to take while having fun outdoors in order to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
- Wear long sleeves and pants when you are outside. You may want to spray repellent onto thin clothing for added protection.
- DEET is a necessary ingredient in insect repellents. Always follow the label instructions and wear repellents outdoors.
- Drain the constant water in the garden and neighborhood where mosquitoes can breed. This includes old tires, flowerpots, clogged rain gutters, etc. Mosquitoes can occur in stagnant water for 3-4 days or more. For shallow still water that cannot be removed, regularly check for the presence of mosquito larvae and, if found, spray a biological larvicidal agent, sometimes called a “mosquito dunk,” available at your local hardware store. To do.
What do I need to do to prepare for the target ground application?
No specific risks to animals or the environment are anticipated and no special precautions are required. If you are concerned about exposure to pesticides such as chemical sensitivities or respiratory illnesses such as asthma, stay indoors for the duration of the application (usually at night) to reduce the potential for exposure. When a pesticide product dissipates, it decomposes in the environment with little residual effect.
Please contact the Arlington Action Center at 817-459-6777 for more information on targeted ground spraying.
download Free Arlington Questions App in the City Today to receive notification of targeted ground spraying or to report water or mosquito infestations on private property.
This press release Arlington City.. The views expressed here are those of the author himself.
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