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Top 10 healthy foods to eat on the keto diet


The keto diet is often associated with eating large amounts of bacon and butter, but according to keto experts, if you really want to realize the benefits of the diet, you should throw in 10 different foods instead. There is.

of The Ketogenic Diet (Keto for short) is a medium to medium diet that is very low in carbohydrates, high in fat and low in protein. If you reduce your intake of carbohydrates, you end up with a metabolic state called ketosis, Your body uses ketones as an energy source instead of glucose.

When you eat very few carbohydrates or very few calories, the liver produces ketones from the fat. Ketones are then used as fuel for the entire body, especially the brain. It does not utilize fat directly and can only be done with glucose or ketones.

In short, when you’re on a ketogenic diet, your body’s primary fuel supply is fat, not glucose. That means “fat adaptation”.

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The best way to induce ketosis is to fast or create a “ketogen ratio” Change from 4 parts fat to 1 part protein and carbohydrates. That’s about 80% of the calories from fat in the diet. The recommended protein is 1.2-3 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, and the remaining daily caloric allowance is due to carbohydrates.

For 60kg per day and 2000 kcal, the exact macro would be:

  • thick: 1600 kcal (178 g)
  • protein: 288 kcal (72g)
  • carbohydrate: 112 kcal (28g)

This can be very difficult to maintain, and if you’re using MCT (medium chain triglycerides), try a modified ketogenic diet that has 60-75% calories from fat, and it’s actually great You can get the result. That way you can have more carbohydrates and proteins.

What To Eat With A Ketone Diet And How To Calculate Net Carbohydrates?

The most important thing to reach (and stay in) the state of ketosis is not to have too many carbohydrates. Your daily carbohydrate intake should be less than 50 grams, ideally less than 20 grams. Giving carbohydrates to the body raises insulin and the body uses blood sugar levels instead of fat.

In Australia, it’s pretty easy just to follow the carbohydrate diagram on the nutrition information panel. However, when looking at the carbohydrate content of a US or Canadian label, you need to subtract dietary fiber from carbohydrates to get net carbohydrates (total carbohydrates to fiber = net carbohydrates). Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that your body cannot digest. So, it doesn’t affect our blood sugar, so getting rid of net carbs is fine.

The second important thing is choosing healthy foods. Sure, eating sausages, bacon, and creams gives you plenty of fat and carbohydrates, but this kind of diet not only deprives you of the essential nutrients you need for health and performance, but it also causes inflammation and carcinogenicity. There is also.

Top 10 healthy foods to eat on the keto diet

1. low carb vegetables

By making cauliflower rice, zucchini pasta and spinach bread, it can be used in place of your favorite starch. No matter what you eat, vegetables must remain on the menu. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You need them for a healthy intestine and colon, and for your daily vitamin and mineral intake.

2. Seafood

We have a large selection of fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Go for wild prey.

3. Meat and poultry

Only 100g of organic liver contains 50 percent of your daily vitamin and mineral needs. Always choose grass fed and organic when possible.

4. Avocado

They have a very low net carbohydrate count and a very high potassium and fat content.

5. Egg

Eggs are a perfect keto food, as they have less than 1g carbohydrates and 6g protein. Egg yolk contains nutrients including antioxidants

6. Coconut and olive oil

Use olive oil for cold dishes and coconut oil for cooking and baking. Coconut contains MCTs, which are converted to ketones more quickly than other fats.

7. Nuts and seeds

They are high in fat and fiber and low in carbohydrates. It can be used as a snack or to give a salad a crunch. You can also use nut meal instead of flour when baking. Try making zucchini bread made from zucchini, almond meal, eggs and olive oil.

8. berries

They are low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and antioxidants. Especially suitable for coconut yogurt or when blended with coconut cream, keto sweets.

9. Konjac noodles

These noodles are low in calories and low in carbohydrates, making them ideal for keto diets.

10. Dark chocolate and cocoa powder

To be suitable for ketos, it must be high in cocoa. 100% cocoa works best, but you can start with 80% to get used to it. It contains a lot of good things such as antioxidants. As an occasional feast, it is only healthy in small amounts.

Veronica larisova Is a nutritionist, exercise physiologist, Fitgenes practitioner and educator, working with a wide range of customers from Olympic athletes to weekend warriors. She is also co-founder of Chief Nutrition.


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