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B.C. launches fall vaccine push, urging residents to get shots for COVID-19 and flu

B.C. launches fall vaccine push, urging residents to get shots for COVID-19 and flu


Health officials are urging British Columbians to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible as the fall respiratory illness season begins.

At a press conference Thursday, Health Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that the fall immunization campaign will officially launch on Oct. 10.

“The message today is pretty clear: we need and we want everyone, when they’re invited to do so, to get vaccinated,” Dix said.

Henry presented numbers showing that COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations are starting to rise again, and said it’s crucial to take measures now to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The news comes as Health Canada announced approval Thursday for Pfizer’s updated vaccine targeting the XBB.1.5 subvariant of the virus.

The province has also confirmed that mandatory, continuous masking is returning to public health facilities and long-term care homes for health-care workers, visitors, contractors and volunteers. The new rules will not apply to private practices, and requirements for patients and residents will depend on their health condition.

Health officials say the invitations for vaccine appointments will start going out early in October, and priority will be given to those most at risk of severe illness and hospitalization. That includes people over the age of 65, Indigenous people, long-term care residents, people with chronic conditions and pregnant people, as well as health-care workers.

The ideal time for a COVID-19 vaccination is six months after the previous shot or confirmed infection, Henry said.

She added that at this point, “nearly everyone in B.C. has antibodies” to the virus that causes COVID-19, and most people have developed those antibodies through both immunization and infection.

Vaccines for both influenza and COVID-19 will be free for anyone over the age of six months, and will be available at many pharmacies and health authority clinics.

The government says respiratory illness season can place added pressure on hospitals and plans are in place to add hospital beds and accelerate patient flow as needed.

Henry says while they are seeing an increase in COVID-19, flu and other respiratory infections, she wants people to go back to their habits of covering their cough, washing hands regularly, wearing masks and staying home when sick.




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