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CDC investigates a new multi-state salmonella outbreak


Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are investigating the outbreak of a new Salmonella Newport that has affected 125 people in 15 states, the agency announced Wednesday Wednesday.

The CDC is working with the US Food and Drug Administration and public health authorities in each of the states to investigate outbreaks in multiple states. However, the notification states that “no specific food, grocery store, or restaurant chain has been identified” as the source of the infection.

inside that Survey reportThe CDC says it has detected 13 Salmonella Newport cases in three states. In less than two weeks, as of July 20, the number has increased to 125 in 15 states. Health investigators are interviewing to narrow down the list of foods that may have contributed to the infection and the potential exposures.

The investigators on the latest outbreak are PulseNet A system for finding possible illnesses in an outbreak. PulseNet, a CDC regulatory network between food regulatory agencies and public health centers, works by comparing the DNA fingerprints of Salmonella strains from patients. This allows the CDC to identify similar disease populations before they occur.

Incidents in different states

In their report summary, there were 24 hospitalizations from the 125 cases reported. further, Map of reported cases Shows three states on the West Coast and three in the mountains. Seven states reported incidents in the Midwest, while two states in the Southwest were affected.

Most of the 125 cases reported were from Oregon, with 42 cases, followed by 28 and 12 cases in Utah and Michigan, respectively. On a regional level, mountainous nations record cases in Montana (11) and Wyoming (9) in addition to Utah.

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In the Midwest, Minnesota and Iowa each have three cases, Missouri have two cases, and both Illinois and Wisconsin have one case each. In the southeastern states, one case of Tennessee and three cases of North Carolina are also under investigation by the CDC. On the west coast, with the exception of the surge in Oregon, there are only three cases in California, but only one in Washington.

Recognition of Salmonella infection

In their research notice, CDC has released a list of symptoms that people can be aware of. Exposure to bacteria can cause diarrhea and fever. In addition, it can cause stomach cramps that last for 6 hours to 6 days.

In most people, Salmonella infections usually last 4 to 7 days without the need for treatment. However, there are some serious cases that require hospitalization. It occurs when an infection, which is often localized to the intestine, enters the bloodstream and is carried to other parts of the body. Children under 5 and adults over 65 and those with a weakened immune system are at increased risk of severe infections.

To prevent the risk of Salmonella infection, CDC advises the public to keep their hands and surfaces clean and to prepare suitable foods. Fruits, vegetables and deli meats should be separated from raw meat, seafood and poultry products. Authorities also reminded the public to cook food as follows: Safe minimum temperature..

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