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WHO says vaccine against coronavirus may not be available this year


WHO experts have shattered the hope that the COVID-19 vaccine will be available before Christmas.

by Daily emailMike Ryan, head of the WHO Emergency Program, said the COVID-19 vaccine may not reach the market until early 2021. They also said that people at great risk could get jabs by winter first.

Ryan noted that some jabs are currently in Phase 3 trials and that they all elicit an immune response, but controlling the spread of the virus should remain the main focus.

women are,

(Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
In this picture, taken on April 10, 2020, there is a woman holding a small bottle with a “Vaccine COVID-19” sticker and a medical syringe.

Ryan said at a social media event that she might have to wait until early 2021 to get the vaccination. “And this is a global benefit, so we need to be fair about it,” said the WHO representative. Sun..

Ryan added that WHO is working to increase access to potential vaccines and increase production. He also said that the COVID-19 vaccine is for everyone, not just the rich and the poor.

Having a vaccine is important for eradicating the coronavirus pandemic. Anyone injected will provoke an immune response and fight the virus quickly.

But Professor Jeremy Farrer, director of the Welcome Trust and a member of the Emergency Scientific Advisory Group, warned that the world will continue to live with the coronavirus for decades to come. He also told the Health and Social Services Committee on Tuesday, July 21, that the vaccine would not be available by Christmas. “The infection isn’t going away, it’s now a human-specific infection,” Farah added.

Farrar blamed the government hard if the lockdown was too late, as it should have been ordered earlier. Nevertheless, humankind will continue to live with this virus for many years to get vaccines and very good cures.

Great day for British science

William Duke of Cambridge visits the Oxford Vaccine Group facility at Churchill Hospital in Oxford

(Photo: Pool via Steve Parsons/Reuters)
William of England Cambridge meets scientists while visiting a manufacturing laboratory where a vaccine against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is manufactured at the Oxford Vaccine Group facility at Churchill Hospital in Oxford, UK Sometimes I wear a mask. , June 24, 2020.

In this study, Oxford University has more than 1,000 healthy volunteers. “We are making rapid progress in trying to assess whether the vaccine actually protects the population,” said Professor Andrew Pollard, Principal Investigator. Telegraph..

He also said that volunteers show a “really important milestone” in the development of vaccines because they have a good immune response. Meanwhile, the UK’s chief medical officer, Professor Jonathan Vantham, said the announcement of the test results was “a great day for British science.”

“We are optimistic that we will be vaccinated by the end of the year,” added Kate Bingham, UK’s Vaccine Task Force.

Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Vaccine Research Institute at Oxford University, meanwhile, said the results are “upper bounds.” “The vaccine may be used by the end of the year,” he added.

A Phase 3 human trial was launched shortly and now more than 10,000 people are already vaccinated. Researchers now need to determine whether their vaccine will prevent people from getting COVID-19 or any serious condition.

Also read: China’s Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Brings Immune Response to Patients: It Is Already in Phase 2

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