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Forch believes the United States “takes control” of the coronavirus


With nearly 4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, the United States leads the world in coronavirus cases. In a country suffering from national health and economics, leaving the pandemic is America’s only goal.

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease specialist in the United States and speaker of the pandemic response, says the country is not in the final stages.

“I don’t want to be so cute about it, but certainly we aren’t winning the game right now,” he says TB Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on developing advanced treatments for tuberculosis. I mentioned in an interview sponsored by lung disease.

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“The United States is actually being hit harder than other countries in terms of cases and deaths by country,” he said. However, the resumption of states and cities depends on containment.

“I’m a little worried that not only the United States but other countries are trying to open up to reopen your country for economic and other reasons. Shows that cases have recurred, which generally means we have to do much better to control the outbreak. Especially because we are trying to restart it.”

As he previously described, the coronavirus pandemic is a perfect storm due to its highly contagious properties and wide range of patient outcomes.

Despite the U.S. failure to recover from a pandemic and prevent its spread, Forch again cautiously optimistic that the country will dominate it ideally this year or next year with herd immunity and treatment. I am.

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“I think we can finally control it. By combining public health measures. Some degree of global flock immunity and careful consideration of what I expect and we can get. It’s a good vaccine that feels optimistic,” he argued. “We may not be able to eradicate it, but I don’t think we can bring it to a very low level and that we are not in our current position for a long time. ”

Regardless of the drugs developed to treat COVID-19, Fauci says it’s important to be prepared for future outbreaks, pointing out that new infections don’t end with coronaviruses. ..

“No matter how good we are… the lesson you learn is that you have to prepare. Fundamental, basic and clinical research, and public health will face new infectious diseases in the future. We strive to know that we need to anticipate what to do.”

Lots of emergency preparedness equipment like PPE and a better test infrastructure are two examples of preparedness. Develop better platform technologies to accelerate vaccine development and improve the capacity of responding people. It is also ideal to have a unified approach within political leadership that supports public health.

“Remember that when we go through this, when we go through it, we know it happens again.”

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