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Pandemic sacrifices mental health of hospital workers


Pandemic sacrifices mental health of hospital workers

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Hello. I’m Karen Stubbs of Behavior Health at the Louisiana Department of Health. As expected, many people in Louisiana are currently experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety. There was an influx of people seeking resources with emotional support early in the response. When people start returning to the community or face the choice of returning to it, they expect it to see it again. One of the reasons I am here today is to provide some reminders for some of our resources and introduce new ones. There are several strategies to support the mental health of the Louisiana community in addressing these stressors. I’ll give you some today. Our latest resource is the Behavioral Health Outreach Live Line. It was published Monday, June 15th. The number is 833 3331132 and you will definitely get that number. This is for individuals. It provides real-time support to prevent, prevent, or prevent a crisis from occurring. This particular line is a bit different from the existing line, which we’ll see later. This line provides recovery support to assist the recovery of substance use by trained professionals. Mental health, a serious mental illness, are co-morbidities and focus on talking to health care professionals. However, those with no history of drug use or mental illness say that it is absolutely welcome to use this line and take advantage of the services it offers. Trained professionals and clinicians answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will respond to the caller free of charge. Supportive warmlines are terms and models that have proven effective. An effective resource for people with behavioral health disorders such as mental illness, suicide concerns, and drug use disorders. People with drug use and drug use disorders or existing mental health problems. We believe it important to mitigate potential relapses or threats to emotional stability due to increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, Komori challenges, and increased risk factors associated with healthcare professionals. Focused on this, the lines of their population. Calls can go anywhere from someone having a bad day. Someone who wanted to call someone anonymously to talk, perhaps one who realized that they had one of the warning signs of a mental, psychological or emotional change, perhaps to think of suicide and prevent a recurrence. The person who wanted to use this line. That new line, the Recovery Support Line, that went live this week is an addition to the calm discussions we have through Cove. It sends a hotline to that line. The 24 toll-free number 866310 7977 opened on March 15 with the first Covad response. The line also provides emotional support, crisis, neutralization, and coping skills for those who are suffering from the effects of disaster or who are experiencing anxiety or emotional distress. It is for the public and anyone can and must call. So far, over 3000 callers have called Use this line, but the important point about this line is that the people who respond have general information about Cove It. We are finding a lot of stress and anxiety caused by lack of information, misunderstanding, or the need to talk to someone. And they have all the general information about Cove it and test sites etc. For those who like the text, we want them to meet wherever they are. And there is also a line of text where you can reach all the words in the text RE a CHOUT to 741741 It does the same. A secret support text line. I would also like to talk about literature and reading materials. We find many parents and families, and are actually looking for literature on how to deal with the stress factors of parenting and having a family during the Cove It. The Louisiana Department of Health website has behavioral health. Resources include helping children cope with stress, talking to isolated children, and taking care of disaster with them. These are also excellent resources during the hurricane season. Finally, if you currently have a mental health or substance use provider, let me know at the end. You really need to stay connected with that provider. There is a lot of telemedicine flexibility currently allowed during this response and it is advisable to stay connected to your existing provider. If you have one. what? Yes wife. In fact, it is available with multiple questions. Is the support line available in Spanish? Yes, it is available in multiple languages.

Pandemic sacrifices mental health of hospital workers

Mental health of health care workers is increasingly concerned about the pandemic killing more than 140,000 people in the United States. New Orleans in April was a COVID-19 hotspot, and doctors and nurses have since learned how to keep more patients alive. But depression is more threatening as death creeps up again. Dr. Sonia Malhotra teaches palliative care at the University of New Orleans Medical Center. “The coronavirus does not go away quickly, so hospital workers need to treat it as a marathon rather than a sprint and figure out how to come back every day.”

Mental health of health care workers is increasingly concerned about the pandemic killing more than 140,000 people in the United States. New Orleans in April was a COVID-19 hotspot, and doctors and nurses have since learned how to keep more patients alive.

But depression is more threatening as death creeps up again.

Dr. Sonia Malhotra teaches palliative care at the University of New Orleans Medical Center.

“The coronavirus does not go away quickly, so hospital workers need to treat it as a marathon rather than a sprint and figure out how to come back every day.”


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