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Over 10,000 African healthcare workers infected with Covid-19: WHO


African news

who(WHO) Today (July 23) COVID-19 To healthcare workers across Africa.

More than 10,000 health workers are infected in 40 countries reporting such infections COVIDSo far, a sign that medical staff are at the forefront of outbreaks.

this is COVID-19 cases in Africa appear to be accelerating. Now there are over 750,000 cases COVID-19, more than 15,000 dead. In some countries, the number of infectious diseases that can stress the health care system is very high. South Africa is currently one of the worst hit countries in the world.

“The growth we are seeing COVIDNineteen cases in Africa are increasingly straining healthcare services across the continent,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti. WHO African Region Director. “This has very real consequences for the individuals who work in them, and there is no calm example of this other than an increase in the number of infections in healthcare workers.”

So far, about 10% of all cases in the world are in health care workers, but widespread among individual countries. In Africa, information on infections among health care workers is still limited, but preliminary data show that sub-Saharan Africa alone accounts for more than 5% of cases in 14 countries, four of which are medical. Workers account for more than 10% of all infectious diseases.

Inadequate access to personal protective equipment or weak infection control and control measures increase the risk of infection for health-care workers. The growing global demand for protective equipment and the global restrictions on travel are causing supply shortages.

Health care workers may be exposed to patients in the health care facility for various other services without showing signs of illness.

Risks can also occur if a healthcare professional is diverted COVID-19 Response without proper briefing, or due to heavy workload that does not result in fatigue, burnout, and possibly full application of standard operating procedures.

In many African countries, infection control and control measures aimed at preventing infections in healthcare facilities are not yet fully implemented.

When WHO When assessing these indicators by assessing continental clinics and hospitals, only 16% of the nearly 30,000 institutions surveyed scored above 75%.

It was found that many health centers lacked the infrastructure needed to implement critical infection control measures or to prevent overcrowding. Only 7.8% (2213) were able to isolate and only one-third were able to triage patients.

“One infection in a health care worker is too many,” Dr. Moeti said. “Doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are our mothers, brothers, sisters. They help save lives in jeopardy. COVID-19. We need to make sure they have the equipment, skills, and information they need to keep themselves, patients, and colleagues safe. “

WHO Since the outbreak of outbreaks, we have worked closely with the Ministry of Health to reduce infections among health care workers. The organization provides infection prevention and control training to more than 50,000 health workers in Africa, plans more than 200,000 training, and provides guidance documents and guidelines on best care practices and current treatment planning. I am.

WHO It also helps bridge the supply gap for personal protective equipment. Currently, 41 million personal protective equipment have been shipped from China to meet the needs of 47 African countries. Shipments of the initial set for 23 African countries will begin this weekend.

As a result of collaborative efforts by WHO And partners in some African countries have been able to significantly reduce infections among health care workers. For example, 16% or more 2 months ago COVIDThere were -19 infections in Sierra Leone.

This number has dropped to 9%. Cote d’Ivoire has reduced the prevalence of health care workers from 6.1% to 1.4%. Increasing infection prevention and control can further reduce the infection of health care workers.


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