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Ontario COVID-19: Sudbury researchers see potential detection system using wastewater


The Sudbury-Sudbury research project aims to create a method to detect the extent of COVID-19 infection without the need to test each resident.

The work is Health Science North Research Institute, Lorentian University, Sudbury City.

The project is the brainchild of Gustavo Ibazeta, Bioinformatics and Genomics Associate of Research Institute, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Lorentian University.

“I want to use sewage as a way to identify the presence of the virus,” Ibazeta said.

The idea is to test COVID-19 in feces and urine from raw sewage at a Sudbury wastewater treatment plant. He said he would inform health authorities about the outbreak as soon as possible if successful.

According to Ibazeta, sewage contains a large amount of genetic material and can be tested without relying on people who are sick, which allows for early detection. It also captures people who are asymptomatic and therefore unlikely to be tested.

This work is funded by a $50,000 grant from the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, which has allocated up to $15 million for COVID-19 research. The funding includes $50,000 for a one-year project, including a project being conducted in Sudbury.

Thomas MeritA professor of chemistry and biology at Lorentian University states that technological advances have enabled these types of projects.

He said the DNA sequencer was “the size of a refrigerator” when he was in college and it took a long time to get the results.

“Now the sequencer is in your hands and you can literally connect it to your laptop,” Merritt said.

Once you have developed a test protocol for your project, it can be used by other municipalities to look for viruses. This is important because COVID-19 can spread rapidly in small communities in northern Ontario.

It will be important when the second wave of the expected virus is hit. This is because, as we have already learned, the faster the action to control the spread is, the better.

And in the long run, globalization probably means more pandemics and the world needs to be ready to deal with them.

“The last pandemic was 100 years ago, but it’s not 100 years before we see another pandemic,” he said. “Early detection is the name of the game.”

Given that the application deadline was June 1, he was impressed by the fact that the funding was made very quickly.

“It’s important that there is an organization funding good science everywhere, not the good science of a particular community,” Merritt said.

If successful, Ibazeta and Merritt said the method could also be used to detect other diseases such as C. difficile. For example, you can localize your test in a long-term sanatorium or hospital.

According to Ybazeta, the project will take 1-2 months to execute and you should get results within 6 months.

He was impressed with the cooperation between the parties involved in the project, adding that Greater Sudbury is very open to participation.

“I’m very happy to work with the city,” Ibazeta said.

This is part of the evolution of the city to become a research center, in addition to the work already being done at the institute, SNOLAB..

“Sudbury always seems to surprise everyone,” said Ibazeta.


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