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This is the biggest mistake people make when wearing face masks


Please cover your nose.

Perhaps the biggest mistake many people make with face masks is that they pull their cover down and expose their nose, in addition to not wearing it at all in public.

While discussions continue on when and where to wear a mask, And the mixed messaging behind itWhat is probably missing in din is the correct way to actually put on a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from the beginning.

of CDC guidelines Encourage you to wear a mask that covers both noses And Your mouth with the mask fixed under the chin. It fits your face perfectly. There should be no large openings or gaps in the nose, mouth or sides of the face.

But summer temperatures are irritating the United States-let’s face it, some social distance fatigue began as the pandemic continued-health officials pulled their masks down their noses or chins I had to remind people that it would be useless.

Even if you don’t feel bad, you can inhale the virus through your nose or spit out viral particles and spread them through your nose. In fact University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill We found that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is more likely to infect nasal cells than throat and lung cells. Once the virus has settled in the nose, it can be inhaled into the lungs and cause more serious problems.

In addition, this study suggests that people are probably releasing higher levels of the COVID-19 virus when they exhale through their noses, rather than through their mouth.

“If the nose is the primary first site of pulmonary infections, the widespread use of masks to protect the nasal cavity and therapeutic strategies to reduce intranasal viruses, such as nasal washes or antiviral nasal sprays,” Dr. Richard Boucher, co-author of the study, said in a statement.

Wearing a mask, “exactly two men,” he further explained News and observer.. “You protect yourself and protect someone from sending anything in the asymptomatic stage.”

But you need to wear a mask properly.

Andrew Cuomo Governor of New York I took a sloppy mask action as a task Last month it also warned protesters and police to wear proper coverings as well.

“This is a mask,” he lifts one over his nose, mouth, and chin.

Then he pulled it down under his chin. “This is a chin guard,” he said, wearing a mask this way “does nothing”.

“Nobody told you to wear a chin guard. Wear a mask,” he said.

Over 4 million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19, killing 143,967 as of Friday morning. Dr. Anthony Forch says, “I don’t think we’re nearing the end.” In a new interview with MarketWatch. President Donald Trump sometimes has a more calm tone to the pandemic that has infected more than 15.3 million people worldwide. Started demanding Americans wear masks this week.

“Nobody told you to wear a chin guard. Wear a mask.”

— Governor Andrew Cuomo

But individuals can have a huge impact on the fight against this global crisis by doing these three easy steps: washing their hands regularly, keeping a distance from others, and wearing a mask. I can. according to it Study from the Netherlands It was announced on Tuesday. “If the effectiveness of these measures exceeds 50%, we can prevent a pandemic,” the researchers wrote. In other words, “SARS-CoV-2 does not cause outbreaks in countries where 90% of the population employs 25% effective hand-washing and social distances (ie reduces sensitivity and contact rate by 25% each). To do). “

In fact, between April and mid-May, at least 230,000 cases of coronavirus are said to have been prevented by the government demanding face masks in 15 states and the District of Columbia. Recent research By two professors at the University of Iowa. Another study suggests If 95% of the population wears a mask, the coronavirus will prevent nearly 45,000 deaths in the United States by November.

read more:As the number of coronavirus cases surges, California is the latest state of the world in need of a face mask—why other states want to follow their lead?

But Gender, political affiliation, race, income, region When an individual chooses whether to wear a mask, everything seems to play a role.

There are also many myths and misconceptions surrounding masks. For example, you should only wear it if you have symptoms, and wearing a mask reduces your oxygen levels. Neither of these is true.

read more:Here are the 5 greatest mask myths

Besides making sure the mask covers your nose and mouth, make sure the mask is made up of 2 or 3 layers. This is great for preventing the spread of virus from the nose and mouth. Ah Observational study It was found that a two-layer face cover, published in the medical journal Thorax on Thursday, reduced the number of droplets spreading from coughing and sneezing more than one layer of cloth. The 3-layer surgical mask was the most effective. Still, a layer is better than nothing.

Relation:After watching a surgeon general’s Twitter video on face masks, the doctor sent him a study on the best materials to use

Also, don’t forget to wash your reusable face mask every day while you’re wary of washing your hands. Also, place it in a paper bag or resealable plastic bag rather than throwing it away in a dresser or car to prevent contamination. This is the best way to clean your face mask.

Click here for MarketWatch Coronavirus coverage.


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