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In the plateau of weight loss? This two-step plan helped this woman lose weight and trim her waistline


Long distance runner Emily Ludow, 31, was worried that if she changed her exercise and diet routine, she would lose the fitness gains she made over the years. She said only fear was preventing her from getting better.

“I was just scared,” said Rado, a freelance digital marketer in Toronto. “It was like this horror that prevented me from making a big difference.”

But after the long-term relationship ended in January last year, she also found she needed to break up with her routine.

“I just wanted to be personal again and make a difference,” said Rudow, co-owner of a sports apparel company.

Rudow said he has begun researching ways to switch workouts through online videos, journals and articles. By educating herself about fitness, she helped ease the anxiety about change. “It’s more open-minded to new information and has opened the door for testing new training routines and new diets,” she said.

Rudow said she would switch her exercise and diet regularly She first wrote on, It made a “big difference in my build” to grow her muscles. She estimates that she not only has a trimmer waistline, but also has about 5 pounds of muscle. This is her way.

Rudow thought that changing exercise and diet routines would lose the fitness gains that he had gained over the years.Emily Ludow

She always switches her routine

Rude’s old training routine Mainly focused on running Upper body strength training 3 days a week. She consistently adhered to the same exercises and did not increase her weight, even if she made it easier (often referred to as “progressive overload” in weight training circles).

The first major change she made was to split the “pull” and “push” upper body workouts into separate workout sessions. A “pull” workout is a workout in which the muscles contract when weight is pulled toward the body, whereas a “push” workout is a workout in which the muscles contract when the weight is pushed back. is. Her new routine looks like this:

Monday: Pull upper body training

Tuesday: Leg training and pulling core

Wednesday: Press upper training

Thursday: Push leg workout and core

“I think it really moved the needle,” she said.

In each session, she chooses 5 different exercises for each muscle group and completes 3-4 sets of each workout by 8-15 personnel. She’s changing the workout even further by mixing some lower (4-6) and higher reps (+15). She also drives her muscles into fatigue, she said. As you lose weight, you move on to your next heavier weight.

To prevent her body leveling out, she adjusts her routine about every three weeks and adds new workouts to each muscle group. She also changes the order of exercises, she says.

She also runs every day, changing distances from day to day, changing her routine between long and short distances.

She changes her diet

Rudo also made a big difference in her diet. Earlier, she estimated that she was sticking to high nutrition foods for about 80% of the time, and did not track her calories. After downloading the app MyFitnessPal, she started tracking down everything she ate and found she was eating more than she had expected.

Using the data, she tracked her calories and “macro” nutrients (fat, carbohydrates, proteins) and created new dieting techniques to help her. Through experiments, she realized how much she needed to eat to gain strength and lose fat at the same time. She finds that she runs best, so she works best on a high-carb, low-fat diet.

She also changed her diet, ate with a low calorie week, and had a calorie surplus on weekends (about 500 calories from her deficiency). You can also enjoy high-calorie foods such as pizza on weekends. Circulate her diet In this way, she explained that she could lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. “It worked really well for me,” she said.

With this approach, she says, you can build muscle without packing fat, Limit her alcohol intake Even once a week made a big difference. But when it comes to dieting, there’s no “one size fits all” and it’s important to experiment, she says. She added a diary to help track what you eat in the app and help you understand what works best for you.

After changing her routine, Rudo is stronger than ever. Emily Ludow

She keeps an open mind

Over the past few months, a COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily shut down Rudow’s local gym, forcing major changes to the routine. Nowadays I do almost all my workouts at home using treadmills, exercise bikes and dumbbells at the weight of my ankle, but she can still run outside. She said this change also helped her.

“I was 140 before the pandemic, but now I’m 132. This is really weird, as I’ve actually gotten a lot more muscle and stronger.” Instagram..

She said her greatest advice for anyone who wants to get out of their current routine is to keep an open mind, track calories and make sure they are well-nourished.

“It’s a change of mindset, it’s as honest as it sounds, and it really is,” she said. “You can’t make a profit unless you can challenge yourself and work on your own satisfaction, so you need to try something new, let go of your routine and be able to challenge yourself.” there is.”

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