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COVID-19 Patients Increase Risk of Smoking and Blood Sucking: Research | Health News


Lubbock (Texas): Based on the findings of a recent case study of COVID-19 patients, the researchers reviewed the possible roles of smoking and vaping in cerebrovascular and neurological dysfunction in people infected with the virus.

This study, led by Saculina Rahman Archie, graduate research assistant at Cucullo and TTUHSC, says, “Cerebrovascular and neurological dysfunction under the threat of COVID-19: do smoking and Vaping have a coexisting role?” International Published in Journal of Molecular Sciences.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 spread tentacles around the world, making severe respiratory and lung diseases associated with infections well known.

However, recent case studies strongly suggest the presence of cerebral vascular dysfunction in COVID-19 patients. This includes aortic ischemic stroke caused by one of the larger blood supply arteries of the brain, such as the carotid artery.

Luca Cucullo, PhD, and other researchers at the Texas Institute of Technology Health Science Center (TTUHSC) have been studying the effects of smoking and vaping on the cerebrovascular and nervous systems for many years.

Their and other studies show that tobacco smokers and vaping products are more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections than nonsmokers.

In his previous study, Kukuro showed how cigarette smoke can impair a person’s respiratory function. From there, it can affect the vascular system and ultimately the brain. COVID-19 also attacks the respiratory and vascular systems, so he and Archie reported that the virus could affect the brain and lead to the development of long-term neurological disorders such as ischemic stroke. I wanted to check if there are any cases that are.

They also sought evidence that smoking and vaping could otherwise exacerbate the outcome in COVID-19 patients, saying Cucullo appears to be. According to Archie, in some case studies, strokes actually occur in COVID-19 patients and the rate seems to increase daily.

In fact, one study of 214 patients further showed that 36.45% of COVID patients had neurological symptoms and that the virus could affect the cerebrovascular system. But how does this happen? There are about 13 blood clotting factors in the human body, a condition that occurs when hypoxia, a deprivation of sufficient oxygen at the tissue level as occurs with smoking.

COVID-19 also appears to carry some blood coagulation-promoting agents, especially von Willebrand factor, a predominantly binding blood coagulation protein, and factor VIII, which promotes platelet adhesion at the wound site, according to Archie. He said. In our body, there is a greater chance of thrombus formation,” Archie explained.

“In the end, it causes some vascular dysfunction, such as hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke.” COVID-19 and smoking or vaping, respectively, can ultimately affect the cerebrovascular system Because of the increase in blood coagulation factors, the risk of stroke “COVID-19 seems to have this ability to increase the risk of blood coagulation, like smoking,” Cucullo added.

“This may ultimately increase the risk of stroke.” Recent clinical study data also show that some of the damage caused by COVID-19, especially damage to the respiratory system, is permanent. It also shows that. The same data show that patients who recover from COVID-19 are also at increased risk of stroke, and age and physical activity do not appear to be a factor, Kukulo said. The highest risk factors for long-term problems associated with COVID-19 were in young adults in their 20s and 30s, who were thought to be active and physically prepared.

“After COVID-19, recovery is a kind of formal recovery, since you can do almost nothing without breathing problems, but some of these long-term effects remain,” he adds. It was

In addition to impairing the immune and vascular systems and inducing cerebrovascular and neurological dysfunction, smoking and vaping often exacerbate the outcome of patients with influenza or other respiratory or lung disorders. While COVID-19 seems to affect many of the same systems in the body, it seems logical that cucuros may increase the health risk of COVID-19 patients who smoke, but the virus does indeed. Unknown so new

“I don’t even know if COVID-19 can penetrate the brain,” Cucullo said. “I think this kind of research is very early. The main clinical concern was trying to alleviate the vaccine, or symptoms, especially respiratory symptoms, and it didn’t reach very far. Something from this is what we definitely study.”


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