Wisconsin has more than 1,000 record-tested positive coronavirus tests for the third time in four days
Madison, Wisconsin (WBAY)-Wisconsin has identified more than 1,000 new coronavirus patients for the third time in four days. But the record day of test results has reduced the percentage of positive tests-a key indicator of how the state contains the virus.
The Ministry of Health received 17,456 test results during the 24 hours until Friday. There were 1,018 positive tests, or 5.83%. It’s a full percentage point down from Thursday. The other 16,438 tests were negative.
It is the fourth consecutive day that the state has undergone over 14,000 tests. 83 public and private lab partners in Wisconsin can handle 24,156 tests per day.
There were additional cases in all but 10 of the 72 counties in Wisconsin.
No more deaths were reported to the state, so the death toll was stable at 878, or 1.9% of known cases.
Health officials want to see less than 3% positive tests that Wisconsin hasn’t seen since June 23.
To date, there are 46,917 coronavirus-positive individuals in the state, causing COVID-19. Of these, 9,688 (20.7%) are still considered active cases. Another 36,333 (77.5%) recovered. That is, at least 30 days have passed since the first symptoms or diagnosis, or release.
4,327 have been hospitalized for COVID-19 since February, including 54 patients in the last 24 hours. According to a state report, there are currently 312 hospitalized patients, with 60 receiving intensive care. On Thursday, 51 people were in the ICU.
The state saw an improvement in the number of hospital beds available, after which 22% of the beds opened and dropped to 18%.
Counties by county case (Counties listed in bold There were new cases reported):
- Adams-56 cases (+2) (2 deaths)
- Ashland-14 cases (+1)
- Baron-96 cases (+9) (2 deaths)
- Bayfield-16 cases (+1) (1 death)
- Brown-3,688 cases (+59) (49 deaths)
- Buffalo – 34 cases (+1) (2 deaths)
- Burnett-9 cases (+2) (1 death)
- Calumet-204 case (+3) (2 deaths)
- Chippewa – 183 cases (+6)
- Clark-154 cases (+2) (7 deaths)
- Colombia-181 (+8) (1 death)
- Crawford-50 cases (+1)
- Dane-3,732 cases (+63) (33 deaths)
- Dodge-599 Case (+7) (5 deaths)
- Door-80 case (+2) (3 deaths)
- Douglas-87 case (+5)
- Dan-84 case (+5)
- Eau Claire-423 cell (+2) (3 deaths)
- Florence-6 (+1)
- Fond du Lac-473 square (+10) (6 deaths)
- Mori-55 cases (+2) (4 deaths)
- Grant-266 (+5) (14 deaths)
- Green-119 cases (1 death)
- Green Lake-49 cases
- Iowa-56 cases (+2)
- Iron-42 case (+2) (1 death)
- Jackson-38 cases (1 death)
- Jefferson-482 cases (+21) (4 deaths)
- Juneau-86 cases (+2) (1 death)
- Kenosha – 2,203 cases (+59) (49 deaths)
- Kewanee-98 cases (+2) (1 death)
- Lacrosse-715 units (+18) (1 death)
- Lafayette-94 cases
- Langlade-20 Case (+6) (1 death)
- Lincoln-50 (+1)
- Manitowoc-224 (+5) (1 death)
- Marathon-442 cases (+10) (3 deaths)
- Marinette-208 cases (+6) (3 deaths)
- Market-64 cases (+3) (1 death)
- Menominee-16 cases (+2)
- Milwaukee – 17,537 cases (+340) (422 deaths)
- Monroe-168 (+6) (1 death)
- Oconto-134 case
- Oneida-60 cases (+1)
- Outagamie-903 Case (+20) (12 deaths)
- Ozaukee – 449 cases (+9) (16 deaths)
- Pepin-36 Case (+4)
- Earrings-140 cases
- Pork-94 cases (+3) (2 deaths)
- Portage-316 Case (+6)
- Price – 18 cases
- Racine-2,839 cases (+45) (69 deaths)
- Richland-21 cases (+2) (4 deaths)
- Lock-1,255 cases (+11) (25 deaths)
- Rusk-13 cases (1 death)
- Sauk – 262 cases (+9) (3 deaths)
- Sawyer-21 case (+2)
- Shawano-124 Case (+5)
- Sheboygan – 446 cases (+13) (5 deaths)
- St. Croix-375 cases (+19) (2 deaths)
- Taylor-38 cases (+1)
- Trempealeau-255 case (+10) (1 death)
- Vernon-46 cases
- Villa-22 cases (+1)
- Walworth – 1,006 cases (+13) (20 deaths)
- Washburn-9 cases
- Washington-662 (+31) (19 deaths)
- Waukesha-2,774 cases (+142) (42 deaths)
- Waupaca-270 Case (+11) (14 deaths)
- Washer-59 cases (+1)
- Winnebago-913 Case (+12) (16 deaths)
- Wood-156 cases (+4) (1 death)
Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Algiers-3 cases
- Baraga-5 cases
- Chippewa-19 cases
- Delta-43 cases (3 deaths)
- Dickinson-39 cases (+3) (2 deaths)
- Gogebic-42 cases (1 death)
- Houghton – 34 cases
- Iron-12 case (+2) (1 death)
- Keweenaw-2 case
- Luce-3 cases
- Mackinac-13 case (+1)
- Market-103 (11 deaths)
- Menominee-60 cases (+2)
- Ontonagon-2 cases
- Schoolcraft-8 cases
The state provides online tools to view COVID-19 activity for each county over the past two weeks, including the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the trend of cases increasing, even, or declining. You can see it Click here..
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified these as possible symptoms of COVID-19.
- Fever of 100.4 or more
- cough
- Breathing difficulty
- cold
- Shake repeatedly with chills
- muscle pain
- headache
- sore throat
- New loss of taste and smell
The symptoms that require immediate medical attention are:
- Breathing difficulty
- Persistent chest pain and pressure
- New confusion or impossibility
- Bluish lips or face
- The CDC says this is not a comprehensive list. Talk to your healthcare provider about serious or concerned symptoms.
- Coronaviruses are new or “new” viruses. No one has a natural immunity to it. Children and teens are most likely to recover from the virus. According to the CDC, older people and people with underlying disorders (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease) are considered at high risk. Precautions are also needed around people with a weakened or weakened immune system.
- To prevent the spread of the virus:
- Stay at least 6 feet away from others
- Avoid close contact with sick and sick people
- Stay home as much as possible
- Cancel events and avoid groups, gatherings, play dates, and unnecessary appointments
- If you get sick, stay at home.
- Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
- Cover your mouth and nose with a mask. Use at least a tissue when coughing, sneezing, or using the inside of your elbow.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily (eg tables, countertops, light switches, doorknobs, cabinet handles)
Copyright 2020 WBAY. all rights reserved.
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