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12 tested positive for COVID-19 and reported negative results


“He sounds like he’s improving,” she said.

Evans said she, her husband, and three children went to the Walgreens pharmacy in Bridgeville last Friday for testing after a 6-year-old daughter tested positive early last week. On Tuesday, it was reported that everyone’s results had returned to negative levels.

On Thursday, 41-year-old Kevin Evans was taken in an ambulance to the BB Medical Center in Lewes and checked by the Delaware Health Information Network, a statewide patient information database, showing a positive COVID-19 test. It was Katie Evans received news from hospital officials while being forced to wait outside in a parking lot due to the coronavirus protocol.

After a while, Evans received a phone call from the public health department, confirming that she had received the test results. Then she asked her to confirm her husband’s results.

“She told me he was negative. She repeated it twice on me,” Evans said. “At that time I asked her boss to speak.”

Meanwhile, Evans contacted State Senator Brian Pettigon and called R-Georgetown.

“They again told her that everyone was negative, and she began to push the problem, and she was transferred to one of the epidemiologists,” Petition said. It was

A few minutes later, Evans was told that his results were thrown into a “default negative batch”, although his husband actually gave a positive reaction.

According to Evans, the doctor in public affairs, Dr. Richard Pescatore, called her late Thursday morning to ensure that her husband was the only member of the family who had falsely reported results.

“He said, “You and all your daughters are all negative,” recalls Evans.

A few hours later, Pescatore called back and told her that she, at the age of 6, actually had a positive reaction.

“I’m like’how it happens’,” Evans said. “I don’t know what to do with it.”

Evans said public health officials quickly acknowledged the mistake, but “it wasn’t quick to make a statement about it,” leaving her to let the public know what was happening. ..

Mr Evans was also said that the false report was an isolated case involving Walgreens in Bridgeville, but a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services said the problem was not specific to the location of Bridgeville. It was

“There is no breakdown by site,” DHSS spokeswoman Sean Dooley said in an email on Friday after being asked for clarification.

Earlier this month, state officials announced a partnership with Walgreens and since July 16 have offered a drive-through COVID-19 test at one Walgreens location in each county. The Evans family was tested the next day at the Bridgeville location.

“In partnership with Walgreens, we collected 2,791 samples for processing at the Delaware Public Health Laboratory in the first week of testing,” writes Dooley. “In the process of delivering results, 12 people who tested positive for COVID-19 were falsely called negatively by phone due to an internal error in the DPH system.”

All results reported by Walgreens test sites were reviewed for accuracy, and no negative results were given to individuals who tested negative, officials said. They said the “improvement of internal systems” eliminated the possibility of the problem recurring.

DHSS deputy secretary Molly Magarik, who replaces Kara Odom Walker later this month, said that Petin’s test results were positive, though Kevin Evans’ test results were positively transmitted, but negative on Monday night. I emailed to. The results were accurately reported by Vendor’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to both the Delaware Health Information Network and the disease tracking system, Delaware’s electronic reporting and syndrome monitoring system, according to Magalick. ..

At the time of reporting, Magalick said that the batch results created from LIMS had no patient contact information and needed to be linked to the patient contact information in the vendor’s database.

“During this consolidation, patients were excluded from the group of positive specimens and were listed as “negative” in the batch report,” she writes.

Copyright 2020 Associated Press. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

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