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Did overestimating fever as a symptom affect the initial response of Covid-19? Yes, AIIMS research says


Cops sampled a nasal swab for the Covid-19 test at the Government Fever Hospital in Hyderabad on July 23, 2020.  (AP Photo / Mahesh Kumar A.)

Cops sampled a nasal swab for the Covid-19 test at the Government Fever Hospital in Hyderabad on July 23, 2020. (AP Photo / Mahesh Kumar A.)

According to a study conducted by AIIMS, only 17% of patients had fever sometime during the first few days of a pandemic, from March to April.

  • CNN-News 18 New Delhi
  • Last update: July 25, 2020, 1:04 pm

Did you miss a Covid-19 patient early in the pandemic? maybe. A study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) revealed that fever was not actually the main symptom of the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

Only 17% of patients had fever during the first days of a pandemic between March and April, published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), the research arm of ICMR.

The study of 144 inpatients was conducted at the AIIMS based in Delhi from March 23 to April 15. This research paper, entitled “Clinical Demographic Profile and Hospital Outcomes of Covid-19 Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Medical Center in North India,” is co-authored by Dr. Randeep Guleria and 28 others.

“Fever was only seen in 17% of patients. This compares to other reports around the world, including a Chinese cohort that had 44% fever at presentation and 88% during hospitalization. It was much lower.” According to a research paper accessed by News18:

He adds that 44% of patients were asymptomatic on admission. Many asymptomatic patients have both good and bad news. On the one hand, it shows that many patients develop immunity to the infection, but they also have a silent spreader between March and April.

Both public and commercial facilities such as airports, hospitals, and shopping centers rely heavily on thermal scans and handheld thermometers to regulate the movements of early pandemic people, in the event of fever. Questioned the effectiveness of the movement is not the predominant symptom.

This study aims to explain the clinical demographic characteristics and in-hospital outcomes of the Covid-19 patient group in northern India.

The 144 patients surveyed had an average age of about 40 years, 93.1% were male, and included 10 foreigners. The most commonly recorded exposures were domestic travel with affected states (77.1%) and close contact with Covid-19 patients in the congregation (82.6%).

Nine patients were smokers, but comorbidities were present in 23 patients, of which diabetes was the most common underlying health condition.

A large proportion of patients (about 44%) were asymptomatic. People who had symptoms reported coughing as the most common symptom, but fever was the rarest. Nasal symptoms were present in 2% of patients. The majority of patients were managed on a case-by-case basis with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin supportive care. Only 5 patients needed supplemental oxygen, 4 required intensive care, 1 required mechanical ventilation, and death occurred in 2 patients. According to the study, patients recovered within 16-18 days.

Dr. Landeep Gruglia, speaking with News 18, said that every day is a learning process and a wider lens is needed to study the symptoms of Covid-19. The infection is far more systemic than what was previously believed, he said.

“There was a young person with a stroke who was found to be a Covid-19 patient. There was a heart attack patient who was found to be a Covid-19 patient. I have no diarrhea or respiratory symptoms. There was a patient, but the water he was drinking was contained, so the water he was drinking was not fresh, leading to diarrhea. No respiratory symptoms. He had diarrhea for 5-7 days. We are seeing Covid-19 patients with conjunctivitis, eye involvement, these are extrapulmonary symptoms, high suspicion index for testing, threshold of testing Must be low,” he added.


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