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Know some common myths and effective ways to prevent protein deficiency


Protein is an essential macronutrient that can be obtained from a wide range of food sources. Talk to an expert to get a balanced diet plan and get the right proteins for overall health and well-being.

Proteins: Know general myths and effective ways to prevent protein deficiency

Fatigue, tiredness, and thinning hair can be signs of protein deficiency


  1. Protein deficiency in the diet can cause muscle aches
  2. It’s a myth that protein is for bodybuilders only
  3. Protein deficiency can delay wound healing

Assimilating facts with the latest survey of Indian dietary generality, Indians on average eat more carbohydrates (much more than ideal intake), protein, and fewer fruits and vegetables. Is both worrisome and worrisome. In addition to animal proteins, Indians are deficient in vegetable protein intake, resulting in protein deficiency in about 73% of Indians (Source: IMRB). Protein deficiency is very widespread and very common in both rural and urban populations. According to the 2020 Indian Consumer Market Report, urban Indians spend mainly on beverages, snacks, and processed foods, while rural households spend most on cereals, causing protein deficiencies in their diets. I am. In fact, the latest NSSO survey shows that proteins have escaped the Indian diet over the last few decades.

The next key question to ask is: Will individuals consciously source and consume protein if all the essentials are in favor?

Protein paradox

Recent research called Protein paradoxDeveloped by, Right to protein The initiative leads to the worrying trend of lack of protein consumption in Indian homes due to a poor understanding of protein as a macronutrient, leading to the elimination of proper proteins from the daily diet. In a study of more than 2000 mothers across India, over 70% of Indian mothers surveyed could be potential barriers to proper protein consumption, including poor protein digestion and weight gain It has become even clearer that we believe in the myth that there is sex for “bodybuilders” and also expensive to source. In addition, 81% of mothers mistakenly believe that a normal Indian diet consisting of roti, dal and rice is sufficient for daily protein requirements, with most mothers of over 20 foods We could not correctly identify foods rich in more than two proteins from the list. 11 ingredients rich in protein

The largest loops leading to protein deficiency point to lack of cognition and lack of correct information. There are many myths related to the consumption of proteins that have been passed down for generations, and there is an urgent need to annihilate these myths forever.

Also read: Do I need to take protein supplements? What the experts say

Ruin some common myths associated with proteins

Myth-protein leads to weight gain

fact- Not only does the right type of protein provide essential nutrition, but it also keeps you full for a long time, thereby reducing unhealthy cravings and reducing weight and blood sugar. A protein-rich diet also helps boost metabolism, thereby effectively burning calories.


It’s a myth that protein-rich foods lead to weight gain
Photo credit: iStock

Myth-Protein is for bodybuilders only

fact- Not only do proteins help build muscle, but they can also play a variety of other roles. It provides structure to all cells in the body, assists hormone synthesis, functions as an enzyme, and is an integral part of the immune system. Gives strength to skin, hair and nails. So it’s definitely not just related to muscle pumps.

Also read: Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is richer in protein or calcium?

Myth-proteins are expensive to source

fact- You can get enough protein from natural food sources that are reasonably priced and easily available. When it comes to animal-based protein sources, you can choose lean meat, fatty fish, dairy products, and eggs to meet your daily protein requirements. At the same time, contrary to popular belief, there are several plant-based protein sources that are excellent protein sources for soybeans, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, cannabis seeds, chia seeds, legumes (chickpeas, kidney beans, blacks, etc.). May be eye peas, yellow & green peas), legumes, nuts, seeds. If you take the time to learn how to identify these sources, the options are endless.

Protein deficiency

Actively for signs of protein deficiency, fatigue and tiredness, thinning hair, increased hair loss, dry flaky skin, nail fragility, muscle pain, delayed wound healing, swelling of the limbs (edema) You need to be careful.

Also read: Proteins and immunity: knowing the link, why protein-rich foods matter to you

Future way

The biggest hurdle is the lack of awareness about the importance of dietary protein. The main cause of concern is that most people do not consider protein to be an essential component of the diet, and unlike calcium and iron deficiencies, protein deficiency has not yet been taken very seriously.

Public awareness is needed by making the public aware of the importance of proteins, their sources, requirements, and their impact on health through government-led campaigns. Healthcare professionals, especially dietitians and dietitians, can raise awareness on a personal basis and conduct workshops and seminars to bridge the protein deficiency gap.


Protein is an essential macronutrient that can be obtained from a wide range of food sources. And if you’re still in doubt, always consult a professional to help you plan a balanced diet. Make sure that your protein deficiency does not interfere with your health and well-being.

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