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Four COVID-19 deaths and 408 cases have been reported in Oregon. Warm Springs chief wife dies


Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-COVID-19 claimed four more lives in Oregon, increased state death to 286, and raised 408 new cases, including 29 in central Oregon. The Oregon Department of Health reported Saturday.

The OHA newly reported 408 confirmed presumed cases of COVID-19 at 12:00 am Saturday, with 16,492 cases and 357,518 negative test results across the state.

Meanwhile, the Confederates of Warm Springs announced details of the first COVID-19-related deaths on the booking late Friday.

Shirley Steichheath, the wife of Delvis Heath Sr., a long-time wife of Warm Springs, and a member of the Yakama tribe, died on Thursday. news release It said COVID-19 was the cause of her death.

“She was my beloved mother, grandmother, and my husband’s adviser,” said the tribe. “Her youth spent her time in Cerrillo Village, after marrying Delvis Heath, where she moved to Warm Springs Reservation. The Warm Springs community was blessed with love and care for her tribal people.”

The couple got married 60 years ago biography Of Delvis Heath. For many years, the family ran the Chief Heath Stable at Carnitah High Desert Resort and Casino. They also raised and raced thoroughbreds and quarter horses and ran a few cattle on reserves.

Warm Springs reported 152 COVID-19 cases, 1,568 negative test results and 92 recovery cases as of Friday.

New cases are in the following counties: Baker (2), Benton (1), Clackamas (30), Colombia (1), Coos (3), Crook (1), Deschutes (19), Douglas (6), Harney. (1), Hood River (5), Jackson (7), Jefferson (9), Josephine (5), Klamath (3), Lane (5), Lincoln (2), Lynn (3), Malhol (11), Marion (52), Morrow (10), Multnomah (73), Pork (11), Umatilla (80), Wasco (2), Washington (58), Yamhill (8).

The 283rd COVID-19 death in Oregon was a 66-year-old man in Multnomah County who tested positive on 14 June and died at the Adventist Medical Center on 14 July. He had fundamental conditions.

The 284th COVID-19 death in Oregon was a 88-year-old man in Multnomah County who tested positive on 10 July and died at home on 21 July. He had fundamental conditions.

The 285th COVID-19 death in Oregon was a 87-year-old man in Multnomah County who tested positive on 7 July and died on 17 July. His place of death and underlying condition have been confirmed.

The 286th COVID-19 death in Oregon is an 85-year-old man from Umatilla County who died on 24th July with a positive reaction on 14th July. The location of his death and the underlying condition have been identified.

See the table below for total cases, mortality and negative tests by county.

county case 1 Total deaths 2 Negative test 3
Baker 19 0 799
Benton 133 6 7,772
Clackamas 1255 34 34,806
Kratosop 68 0 3,255
Columbia 67 0 3,963
Couth 79 0 3,573
Crook 31 1 1,450
curry 13 0 931
Deschutes 439 Three 15,490
Douglas 116 1 7,158
Gilliam Three 0 142
Grant 2 0 474
Harney 6 0 513
Hood River 149 0 3,336
Jackson 276 0 16,858
Jefferson 253 0 2,800
Josephine 84 1 6,023
Klamath 180 1 6,523
lake 31 0 415
Lane 440 Three 37,144
Lincoln 379 8 6,384
Rin 218 Ten 9,784
Misery 566 7 2,777
Marion 2,385 64 26,523
Morrow 232 1 996
Maltonoma 3,883 81 78,926
pork 243 12 4,200
Shaman 8 0 231
Tillamook twenty four 0 1,852
Umatilla 1,638 16 7,562
Union 385 2 2,239
Wallowa 18 1 588
Wasco 141 Three 2,991
Washington 2,457 twenty one 50,514
Wheeler 0 0 132
Yam Hill 271 9 8,444
total 16,492 282 357,518

1 This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic tests and estimated cases. Presumed cases are those with COVID-19-like symptoms, in close contact with confirmed cases, and no positive diagnostic tests. Where new information becomes available, the case’s area of ​​residence may change. If changes occur, update the count accordingly.

2 For more information on individuals deceased for COVID-19 in Oregon: See press release..

3 This includes cases that were not epilinked to cases that tested negative.

Get the latest information on COVID-19.

Oregon’s reaction: The Oregon Department of Health and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management are leading the state response.

US response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is leading the way in the United States.

Global response: The World Health Organization is leading the global response.

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