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Research shows that mothers with COVID-19 can safely breastfeed when wearing a mask and washing their hands


TORONTO-A new study suggests that mothers infected with COVID-19 are unlikely to transmit newborns with the virus during breastfeeding if adequate safety precautions are taken.

The study was published Thursday at The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. I found that I was wearing a face mask while breastfeeding Cleaning the hands before handling the baby prevented the new coronavirus from spreading from mother to baby.

The study observed mothers and their babies at three New York City hospitals between March 22 and May 17.

The baby remained in a sealed crib 6 feet away from the mother except during breastfeeding. Mothers also had to wear masks when handling their children and follow proper handwashing and breastwashing procedures.

Babies were tested for COVID-19 within 24 hours of birth, and researchers conducted follow-up and testing even after many mothers were discharged home.

Two weeks after birth, a study found no babies tested positive for the virus. No baby had COVID-19 symptoms.

However, the researchers said the babies were only tested with nasal swabs because blood, faecal, and urine coronavirus tests were not approved at the time of the study. Studies have shown that if the baby was infected in utero, the nasal swab test may not have detected the virus.

Despite the evidence of being a COVID-19 positive mother The virus can infect the fetusNew studies show that babies are rarely infected with the virus after birth if appropriate safety measures are in place.

“We know that skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding are important for both mother-infant bond and long-term child health. Our findings indicate that COVID-19 infection “Babys born to mothers have been shown to be able to safely benefit from them when needed,” said Dr. Patricia de La Mora, co-author of the study. Said in a press release..

Strong evidence of COVID-19 transmission from mother to fetus Reported in a study earlier this month Researchers say coronavirus infection, published in Nature Communications Rare in the womb..

by Data from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2-5% of babies born to infected mothers were COVID-19-positive during the first 24-96 hours after birth.

However, a major leader in the new study cautioned that larger studies are needed to better understand the risk of transmission from mother to child.

“Data on the risk of COVID-19 infection during pregnancy or breastfeeding is limited to a small number of case studies. Therefore, the guidelines for pregnant women and new mothers are different. We hope to provide the new mother with some relief, and very few give COVID-19 to the baby.”

Breastfeeding and COVID-19

The new study confirms current guidelines by the World Health Organization (WHO) that mothers suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 should continue breastfeeding.

The benefits provided by breastfeeding, such as fostering mother-child interactions, are “Substantially exceeds” potential infection risk Of the virus.

The Canadian Academy of Pediatrics (CPS) published recommendations in April in accordance with WHO guidance.

of CPS raised major concerns It is a virus transmitted from mothers to infants through respiratory droplets rather than breast milk.

“Women who choose to breastfeed should wear a mask (if available), wash their hands, and clean their chest with soap and water before breastfeeding.” Said the guidelines..

Mothers can also milk their milk, but they must always wash their hands and clean all equipment. Household surfaces that are frequently touched should also be regularly sanitized.

While researchers are finding genetic evidence for Coronavirus in breast milk and its antibody, It’s unclear if the virus in milk is viable and can infect babies.

With new research American Academy of Pediatrics updates its guidance About the care of the newborn to the mother of COVID-19.

The AAP’s first recommendation in early April advised the temporary separation of infected mothers and newborns based on limited data from China, which included separating newborns from mothers for 14 days.

Updated guidance from pediatricians states that there is a lower risk of infection when a mother wears a mask and cleans her hands after giving birth before she holds her baby, and when she is with her. Guidance does not recommend breastfeeding.


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