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Canada’s several theme parks open with new preventive measures in coronavirus-National


The Quebecs have been lucky enough to spend the summer missing the Goliath’s 170-foot fall.

Six Flags Entertainment relaunched after closing the La Ronde amusement park in Montreal for a few months, resulting in high-flying rides at more than 40 attractions this weekend COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing..

However, the park and the corresponding handful across Canada are vastly different, as operators have recently announced a number of measures aimed at keeping guests safe.

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“In the past, thousands of people roamed around, with huge line-ups and crowds, but this isn’t what you’ll see when you arrive in La Rondo. It’s a new reality,” spokeswoman Karina said. Thevenin said.

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La Ronde opened in preview mode on Saturday and Sunday, next Friday. On August 1st and 2nd, we will hold a few special days for members and Season Pass owners to welcome the public.

La Ronde introduced a new online booking system that allows you to limit capacity and stagger admission times, so guests can be physically separated easily.

Upon arrival, guests will be asked to wear a mask, measure their body temperature, and pass through a thermal imaging system that helps the park eliminate guests who may have COVID-19 symptoms.

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While in the boarding queue, guests will see footprints and markers on the ground to help them stay more than 6 feet away. In addition, the seats are closed to keep a physical distance on the ride.

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At the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park near Tokyo, guests are asked to “scream in their hearts” without speaking out to stop the spread of COVID-19, but Thevenin, as long as he wears a mask, Guests are free to make noise.

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“I tried the roller coaster with the mask on and it worked,” said Thevenin. “I was screaming from the bottom of my heart.”

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Meanwhile, Calgary’s Callaway Park closed six high-speed rides, including Vortex, Ocean Motion, Free Fallin’and Wave Rider, to stop droplet spread.

Bob Williams, the park’s general manager, said 26 of the 32 rides, 26 of the 26 were reopened, and six (Dodge, Storm, Air Glider, Bumble Blast, Skywinder, Dream Machine) You must wear a mask.

The caraway was also sanitized so the vehicle is cleaned after every cycle, staff wear face masks and sometimes shields.

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Callaway worked with public health officials and other theme parks to determine what precautions COVID-19 should take in the park, but few have been reopened in Canada. ..

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Both Wonderland, Canada and Galaxyland, West Edmonton Mall, in Vaughan, a suburb of Toronto, remain closed.

The Sandspit Amusement Park has been open to PEI’s Cavendish since June 26, with enhanced precautions and a “slow start and slow barbecue” approach,” said the Maritime Fun Group. Matthew Jerry, president of

The park operates at about 15% capacity, but it took at least 10 days to attract so many guests, he said.

Instead of charging guests who want to board and leaving the rest free, Jelley said everyone has to pay an entrance fee.

It was a difficult choice, but it was necessary because the park costs 365 days, even if the park does not welcome guests all year round.

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This is a reality familiar to Shelley Frost, the chief executive officer of Pacific North Exhibition, Playland operator.

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She said Vancouver Park couldn’t accommodate the end of school or graduation parties and had to open on July 17, much later than usual.

“We spend about $60 million each year between fairs and annual events like concerts and festivals, of which we’ve seen losses of about $52 million, so we’re implementing many layoffs and austerity measures.” Frost said.

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The park hasn’t yet been reduced to capacity, but guests are slowly returning to ride teacups, sea to sky swingers and Bagworld.

The park will soon open big rides like the wooden roller coasters that Frost expects to attract teens, but she’s holding her back.

“We are very excited to have a little hope that you can approach returning to normal, but we are very excited about what people do in terms of their comfort. I am very aware of the fact that they are different.”

© 2020 The Canadian Press


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