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Why CDC wants more people to be screened for hepatitis C


In addition to those at high risk of the virus, the new screening guidelines require that all adults over the age of 18 have a blood test at least once in their lifetime. Also, pregnant women during each pregnancy.

Hepatitis C is a virus that infects the body and causes liver damage. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to liver failure, liver cancer and death.

“Hepatitis C is the most common liver disease we’ve seen in our clinic to date,” said Dr. Dr. Jamestrotter, director of transplant hepatology at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. “This has been the most common cause of liver transplantation until recently. That is, it was the most deadly disorder we have ever had in our clinic.”

Hepatitis can be cured today. This is one of the main reasons CDC wants to expand screening for viruses.

Trotter talked to Sam Baker at KERA about this.

Interview highlights:

About hepatitis C

It is a blood-borne pathogen. The way to get this has historically been through blood transfusions, intravenous drug use, or similar exposures from transplants, dialysis, and contaminated sources that can infect the blood. Tests developed in the late 80’s and early 90’s largely freed the blood supply from hepatitis C.


I have hepatitis C and may not notice it. In the early stages, symptoms are often absent and liver damage can occur. Without a specific test, patients have no way of knowing if they have it. It is found only by checking blood tests or liver function tests.

Is hepatitis C transmitted between mother and fetus?

correct. It’s rare-the risk is about 5%. However, apparently pregnancy was a very common condition, and women were considered to be an effective method of screening because they received most medical care during that period.

Why Call Now to Improve Screening

I think there are some issues:

  • New treatments are available that are virtually 100% curative. Effective treatments are needed to screen for disorders. In the early days, the treatment was so ineffective that it was even debated whether to treat this disorder.
  • Previous recommendations have not been particularly effective in that they are based on risks that patients must recognize or remember, such as drug exposure and the like.
  • And they were based on the birth cohort. These are useful, but I think the broader screen for all adults is more direct to screen patients.

High infection rate among young adults

Historically, hepatitis C was a baby boomer’s disease. However, the recent epidemic opioid overdose (particularly heroin) tends to increase in patients with acute hepatitis C exposure and even with hepatitis C acute hepatitis.

Coronavirus and hepatitis C

One of the concerns that the medical community has is that people are afraid to come to the clinic or distracted by all the major concerns associated with COVID-19. I think it is a fundamental concern that is occurring in all areas of medicine.


CDC: Hepatitis C American River Foundation

HHS: Facts About Hepatitis C


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