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Low Vitamin D Levels Established by Israeli Researchers Associated With High COVID-19 Infection Risk-Technology News, Firstpost


A new study found a link between people with low vitamin D levels and coronavirus outbreaks and subsequent hospitalizations.

Team of Researchers studied vitamin D levels in 7,807 people – Of the 782 tested, 782 were COVID-19 positive and 7,025 were negative. They found that mean plasma vitamin D levels were significantly lower among those who tested positive for COVID-19 compared to those that were negative. In previous studies, Vitamin D supplement Spending 30 minutes in the sun will help.

This study, created by researchers at Leumit Health Services (LHS) and Azrieli School of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, FEBS journal..

Vitamin D, commonly known as Sunshine Vitamin, is naturally produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. It is also in certain foods such as Fish, eggs, fortified dairy products.. Normal vitamin D levels reduce the risk of a variety of illnesses such as influenza, infections, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and age-related cognitive decline. Vitamin D also helps prevent diseases related to bone and calcium metabolism. The liver converts Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a form that can use vitamin D (Or Calcidiol), which is also required for most Vitamin D blood tests, including the tests used by researchers in research.

    Association of low vitamin D levels with high COVID-19 infection risk established by Israeli researchers

Previous studies have shown that taking vitamin D supplements and spending 30 minutes in the sun can help.

Dr. Eugene Merzon, one of the lead researchers in LHS research, International Business Times Their main finding was a “significant association between reduced plasma vitamin D levels and the likelihood of COVID-19 infection in patients tested for COVID-19.”

The researchers adjusted the data collected on the differences in age, gender, socioeconomic status, chronic, mental and physical disabilities of study patients. Links were important for the risk of infection, but less so for hospitalizations.

“Low vitamin D levels were associated with a risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 infections, The association was not important After adjusting for other confounders,” added Melson.

“Our findings are consistent with previous findings in the field. A lower risk of acute respiratory infections after vitamin D supplementation has been reported,” said Ilan Green, director of the LHS Laboratory. “.

The study also found that there were two groups of people infected with the coronavirus. They are people in their 20s and elderly people in their 50s.

“Interestingly, it was demonstrated that the distribution of the two peaks in the age groups led to an increased risk of COVID-19: about 25 and 50 years old,” said Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern. Israeli national news.. “The first peak may be explained by higher social habits at a younger age. The peak at 50 may be explained by ongoing social habits associated with various chronic diseases. not.”

The next step in this study is to assess COVID-19 mortality in Israel.

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Also read: Some scientists believe that vitamin D may help protect people from COVID-19, but the results are not definitive

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