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Has Victoria’s epidemic peaked? Scientists say it might be


Associate professor Nick Golding, faculty model director at Curtin University, has shown that the number of infections in Victoria is stable and may even decline, according to internal government data.

“When we look at the outbreaks rather than the number of cases, we see a fairly steady reduction in the number of replicates.

“Even with one playback, it can swing between 200 and 500.”

Effective and carefully observed effective reproductive numbers measure whether the epidemic is expanding or contracting. If the number is 1, the epidemic is considered stable and the number should not spike.

If new lockdown measures can keep the number of replicates below one, the epidemic will begin to shrink.

On Monday, Victoria’s chief health officer, Professor Brett Sutton, said the pandemic may have peaked.

“The recent effective reproductive modeling I’ve seen suggests that today should be at its peak,” he said. “Now I sit down and don’t say today’s peak. We have to see what happens in the future. But if I lower that effective playback to less than 1, Begins to decrease, and as the number decreases, so does the outbreak.”


Victoria’s effective reproductive count has reached about 2.5 on June 24th. The city was closed on July 9. July 23 It had fallen into one.

Modeling performed by the University of Melbourne epidemiologist Dr. Kentin in Victoria’s first wave showed that it usually takes 7-10 days for lockdown measures to affect infection rates.

Effective reproductive counts are calculated by a team of leading epidemiologists, using data from governments such as social distance surveys and case details and movement data from Facebook, Apple, and Google.

Due to privacy concerns, the data is tightly stored within the health department.

Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the daily number of cases announced by Prime Minister Daniel Andrews at daily press conferences.

The Victorian outbreak was particularly difficult to track because it was often associated with nursing homes and essential workers.

These groups were more likely to be infected with the virus than other communities.

Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton said the outbreak in Victoria may have peaked.

Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton said the outbreak in Victoria may have Jim

“Most incidents do not seem to represent the state as a whole,” said Dr. Golding. “We would probably see an increase in the number as the outbreak is actually unstable in the elderly care setting. Even if the number of infections in the community is decreasing, this number is very significant in a very short period of time.” May increase to.”

Professor Catherine Bennett, Dean of Epidemiology at Deakin University, uses publicly available data to model the Victoria epidemic.

In her figures, Victoria’s daily fertility rate has fluctuated between 1 and 1.5 since July 18.

“Now we can see enough to tell it is included. Has the peak been reached? If everything remains the same, yes. We haven’t lowered it yet. We are not growing.”

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