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School reopening “important to our public health”


July 27, 2020-As the new school year approaches, the CDC issued extended guidelines for resuming school, emphasizing the importance of returning children to the classroom.

“Opening school this fall is very important to public health,” said CDC Director Robert R. Redfield in a statement. “This was a difficult time for families in our country. School closures disrupted the normal lifestyles of children and parents, and they had a negative health impact on our youth. CDC is working with schools from kindergarten to high school to prepare for the safest resumption of the most vulnerable people.”

The new CDC information is about online tools that help parents decide whether to send their children back to school, protocols to follow when students and teachers test positive for COVID-19, and strict measures such as faces. Provides resources for school administrators, including advice You should apply a mask based on the level of community submission.

The CDC emphasizes returning children to the classroom, but in the case of a COVID-19 “substantial, uncontrolled infection,” the school system needs to be revisited and virtual learning needs to be considered. It says that you need to consult with your local government.

Whether to resume in-class education is an important issue in many communities. Many large school systems such as Los Angeles, San Diego, and Atlanta have decided to start this year with distance learning programs.

More than a week ago, the CDC announced it would extend the school reopening guidance provided in May. President Donald Trump complained that May’s guidance, which emphasized closing social spaces and closing spaces for co-schools such as dining rooms, was too strict.

In a post titled “The Importance of Resuming Schools in the United States This Fall”, the CDC said it is unlikely to suffer serious symptoms if an infected child becomes infected with the virus.

“The best evidence available shows that COVID-19 poses a relatively low risk to school-age children. Children appear to be at a lower risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 than adults. “CDC said. “There is no definitive study, but the evidence available provides a reason to believe that face-to-face education is in the best interests of students….”

According to the CDC, schools often help “whole children” to grow and provide nutrition and socialization that children don’t receive at home.

At the same time, the harms caused by short-term and long-term closed schools in children’s social, emotional, behavioral health, economic well-being, and academic performance are well known and significant, “CDC said. “In addition, the lack of face-to-face educational options disproportionately harms low-income, minority children and children with disabilities.”

Guidelines for school leaders emphasize the need for social distance and hygiene and recommend that the same teacher place children in the same group of children in a pod. You can enter and leave the school in stages and have access to the outdoor space.

The guidelines do not require regular screening of students.


CDC. CDC releases new resources and tools to support school opening

CDC. “Parents, parents, school decision-making tools for parents”

CDC. “Preparing Administrators from Kindergarten to High School to Return to School Safely in Fall 2020”

CDC. “Importance of Reopening American Schools This Fall”

© 2020 WebMD, LLC. all rights reserved.


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