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Coronaviruses can shut down our sense of smell in unexpected ways


Healthcare workers collected nasal swabs from men during a randomized COVID-19 test in Itagi, Colombia.

Healthcare workers collected nasal swabs from men during a randomized COVID-19 test in Itagi, Colombia.
Photo: Joaquin Sarmient (Getty images)

Scientists most understand Common symptoms of mild covid-19: Loss of odor and taste. New study suggests novel infection Coronavirus Can damage important cells that support nerve cells responsible for relaying scents In the brain.

Partial or complete loss of odor, also known as odorlessness, is sometimes caused by many respiratory infections, including covid-19.. There are even some evidence That anosmia is a more accurate predictor of having covid-19 than any other famous one Symptoms, Like heat Dry cough.

But one of the mysteries I’ve endured is how covid-19 leads to anosmia. This new study, Release Weekend Science Advance is one of the first attempts to understand that.

Researchers examined cells lined up in our nostrils, including those in the upper region of the nose, which houses the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers that first receives odor information from the outside world. Receptors that react to various things Compounds we know as scents.. These fibers send that information to the brain Converted to odor perception.

The researchers found that cells express two key coronavirus proteins, ACE2 and TMPRSS2, in the area of ​​tissue where the olfactory nerve is located. The virus takes over the receptors for these proteins and invades and infects new cells. But in other experiments, surprisingly, It was not neurons that expressed ACE2. It was their support cast. Specifically, they were two types of non-neuronal cells. Supporting cells that physically support the olfactory nerves to provide energy, and basal cells that are stem cells that replace damaged cells in that area.

“Our findings show that the new coronavirus alters the patient’s sense of smell by affecting the function of supporting cells, rather than directly infecting neurons.” statement Freed by college.

It’s something of a surprise because there are other viruses that cause anesthesiaIt tends to infect olfactory nerve cells directly, including other coronaviruses. Ideally, that could be good news for covid-19 survivors. This is because indirect damage to the sniffing process is unlikely to occur in the long run. The odor was lost, the authors said. It also supports other evidence suggesting that direct brain attacks are rare. By coronavirus. However, it is still premature to rule out that the olfactory nerve is not permanently impaired by covid-19 (one of the theories by the author is that damage to these supporting cells kills the olfactory nerve cells). Is sufficient for). And report person’s I can’t smell for a long time after the initial infection has subsided..

Get some people alone COVID-19 Suffer painlessness a long time, Yet many survivors are still at risk of a truly tragic deficit, the authors said. Along Some quotes, Two-thirds to two-thirds of people with covid-19 symptoms experience numbness.

“Anosmia looks like a strange phenomenon, but it can be catastrophic for the few people who persist,” Datta said. “It can have serious psychological consequences and can be a major public health problem if there is an ever-growing population of permanent odor loss.”


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