Nurse, 22 years old, inexplicable paralysis after recovery of COVID-19
22 years old Florida The nurse thought he had recovered from COVID-19, and thought that he had been paralyzed from his neck a few months later, after a strange viral infection. He is currently flying to Boston’s Mass General Neuro ICU, using a ventilator, blinking his eyes and communicating with his facial expressions. Boston25 news.
Silva’s mother, Barbara Bonnet, told Boston25 News that the doctor believes the paralysis was caused by a viral infection that he had while carrying. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing.
“They basically said it was COVID-related as it is caused by a viral infection. What happened was that it was dormant in my son’s system, still negative and had no symptoms, but still there. Was there,” Bonnet said.
Silva came from a long line of nurses, to donate, Support pages for Silva and his family. He was infected with COVID-19 in May along with the flu. At the time of the infection, he was working at the “front line” of the Tampa area. Young and healthy nurses, also known as “loving” and “cheerful”, quarantined at home and thought they had fully recovered.
According to the Give in Kind page, he seemed fine for a while:
…Until about eight weeks after his recovery, there were some unwarranted complications. The three-year-old girlfriends Desmon and Brooke were coming home from a dating night when Desmon suddenly started to go crazy and soon realized something was wrong. They went to the ER where Desmon suddenly paralyzed from the neck down. Because of these complications, Desmon is intubated and needs a ventilator to breathe for him. The virus is thought to have caused swelling in the spine, resulting in paralysis from the neck down.
Doctors sometimes say coronavirus neurological damage can lead to paralysis
Johns Hopkins Precision Medical Center of Excellence of Neurocritical Care Excellence, an associate director of emergency medicine and neuroenhancement specialist Robert Stevens, said that half of the patients who are believed to have COVID-19 Neurological problem.
He wrote an article about the theory of why viruses affect people neurologically Johns Hopkins Medicine“Patients also have peripheral nerve problems such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can lead to paralysis and respiratory failure. I have neurological symptoms in at least half of the patients I see at the COVID-19 unit. Is estimated.”
According to Bonnet, she told her son that his “provisional diagnosis” was Transverse osteomyelitisAccording to the Mayo Clinic, this is inflammation on both sides of the spine.
MayoClinic reports that transverse myelitis has various causes, including infections and disorders of the immune system that attack body tissues. It is also caused by other myelin disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. According to medical websites, most people will get some recovery, but some people may be left with a “major obstacle”.
According to Stevens, COVID-19 has had so many effects on the brain that “confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures, loss of smell and taste, headaches, poor concentration, behavioral changes, and sometimes paralysis.
Doctors are investigating the causes of neurological damage caused by “severe infections,” where the virus invades the brain and spinal fluid. An “overdriving immune system” can cause an “adaptive inflammatory response.” The reaction can be worse than the effect of the virus itself. Another theory is that many physiological changes in the body can lead to “chaos in the body” at one time, and the last theory is that blood coagulation “blocks small arteries that lead to the brain,” It can cause a stroke.
Silva’s GoFundMe has raised nearly $123,000 to help with his care and rehab costs
by WFLAThe doctor told Silva’s family that he had to move to Boston Hospital to enter the Neuro Intensive Care Unit. It would cost $40,000 to get him there with a private plane installed like the ICU. The family has already been able to raise it and its goal is $200,000.
Bonnet, who is also a nurse, told WFLA: “This is definitely a nightmare that parents experience. We want to raise awareness with this. We do this for Des, but we also do this to raise awareness about COVID. It also tells you how important it is to stay safe and hear what’s happening in the news.There is obviously no age discrimination. You can deal with it.”
For Silva, GoFundMe page:
Desmon’s smile could illuminate the Skyway. His giggles may make the seas of the world rippling. His enthusiasm for life could move the mountains. He fights to come back, but he has come a long way. Desmon is a dedicated and loving son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, cousin, friend, partner and a recent RN working at a frontline hospital. We are always one step ahead for our family, friends and patients.
His loved ones said, “I’m asked to come along and take a step further for him. Desmon needs to go back to breathing and walking on his own. In doing so, he helps people. , Healing, living the big and small moments of young life, catching the sunset, seeking adventure, celebrating his achievements, and what he loves.”
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