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Slap the decline of American homes


Along Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

Monday, July 27, 2020 (Health Day News)-American Children Have Something to Celebrate: Spanking has reached a new downturn.

According to a new study, about one in three parents had their children down in 2017, compared to 50% in 1993.

“It’s helpful to know that there are few parents that spanking, and that there are tools that are more effective than spanking,” said Christopher Mehus, the lead author of the new study. States. He is a researcher at the Translational Research Institute on Mental Health of Children in Minneapolis.

However, Mehus is not yet looking for embarrassing parents who rely on corporal punishment.

“Child care is one of the most difficult jobs and there is no education or training for parents,” he said. “We really need to do a better job by supporting our parents and setting them to succeed with alternative parenting strategies.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) discipline policy states that spanking is not an effective way to discipline a child. It may backfire by teaching the child to be more aggressive. AAP advises parents to avoid it. It suggests that they set rules and expectations instead and reward good behavior.

To assess how expert advice to avoid spanking affects its use, Mefs and his colleague Megan Patrick examined the annual rate of spanking for 25 years.

The study included more than 16,000 parents at the age of 35. Everyone lives with children aged 2-12 and 86% are married. About 42% have a university degree. Over half were women and over three quarters were white.

Parents were asked how often they spanked their children.

Over 25 years, spanking has decreased by 15 percentage points. The decline was similar for women and men, but slightly higher for men, the researchers say.

According to a report published online as a letter on July 27, the shift of parents aged 2 to 4 was even greater-the use of corporal punishment was reduced from 60% to 39% JAMA Pediatrics..

The results were reviewed by Dr. Michael Grosso, Chief Medical Officer and Chair of Pediatrics at Huntington Hospital in Huntington, NY.

“This finding is in line with the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and as a pediatrician most of us try to strengthen it as part of our predictive guidance: no reason or value for corporal punishment in parenting.” Grosso Said.

According to Grosso, spanking can teach young children that physical violence against others is acceptable. This applies whether spanking is done passionately, as a planned intervention or as an expression of anger, he added.

“The incidence of this behavior is clearly declining due to our advice and other social reasons,” Grosso said.

So what’s the better approach?

Mehus, a four-year-old father, says timeouts can be useful in certain ways.

“The timeout should be a short break of 5 minutes in a safe place near the parents. The timeout gives everyone involved a chance to breathe,” he said.

Mr Mefs said it is important for parents to plan for the situation and let the child know in advance what they expect and what happens if they misbehave.

Parents also need to have realistic expectations. “It’s really great if kids have an 80% chance of hearing,” Mehus said.

For more information

Read more about the American Academy of Pediatrics stance Spanking..

Sources: Christopher Mehus, PhD, LMFT, Researcher, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Institute for Translational Research on Children’s Mental Health; Dr. Michael Grosso, MD, Head of Pediatrics, Huntington Hospital, Huntington, NY. JAMA Pediatrics, July 27, 2020, online

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