40% of US adults have at least one symptom and are at risk of developing severe COVID-19
Atlanta – Recent To report From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40% of all US adults have at least one underlying health condition, and being infected with a novel coronavirus is at risk of developing serious illness.
As the coronavirus rapidly spread to states such as Florida and South Carolina, one of the country’s most severely hit areas, the southeastern region, was found to be as vulnerable to the virus as the CDC report said. , The existing state is widespread. Texas.
“The most prevalent counties in all settings are in the southeastern states, particularly Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia, with Oklahoma, South Dakota. The state, Texas, and some counties in northern Michigan also read the CDC report in particular.
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Florida recorded a new death toll from 173 coronaviruses on July 23. The state keeps reporting many new cases every day.
On July 21, it was reported in Florida that about 19% of coronavirus tests were positive the previous week. This number has leveled off over the past two weeks, and spreads may have slowed, but doubled from the 10% rate a month ago and well above the state’s 2.3% in late May. Surpasses.
On July 16, Texas recorded daily 129 virus deaths, with more than 10,000 confirmed new cases reported for three consecutive days.
In Alabama, more than 40 people were infected with coronavirus on July 27 after attending a multi-day revival event at the Baptist Church in northern Alabama. according to To the pastor of the congregation.
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At the end of last month, CDC made that correction list Underlying disease that worsens when a person with health concerns develops COVID-19 after being infected with a novel coronavirus
The latest additions to the list are:
- Chronic kidney disease
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Obesity (BMI 30 or higher)
- Immune deficiency due to solid organ transplantation (reduction of immune system)
- Serious heart disease such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy
- Sickle cell disease
- Type 2 diabetes
“COVID-19 is a new disease. According to the CDC, there is currently limited data and information on the effects of the underlying medical condition and whether COVID-19 increases the risk of severe disease.
The CDC has revised the list of diseases that can put individuals at risk of coronavirus at high risk, as well as removing certain age thresholds from the elderly classification. “The CDC now warns that in adults, the risk increases steadily with increasing age. It is not only people over the age of 65 who are at high risk for serious illness,” the health agency wrote. I will. website July 17th.
Relation: CDC expands list of high-risk states of COVID-19 complications and removes age threshold
FILE-File-US President Donald Trump, while speaking during a press conference, talks about his administration’s response to an ongoing coronavirus pandemic at the White House on July 23, 2020 in the Washington DC. watch. (Photo by Drew Angerer / Getty Images)
“Understanding who is at the highest risk of serious illness helps people make the best decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield. To report Regarding the revision of the list of high-risk personal agencies. “We are all at risk for COVID-19, but we need to recognize those who are vulnerable to serious complications and take appropriate steps to protect their health and well-being. “
The underlying conditions described by the CDC represent an increasing list of diseases in which a person is at increased risk of developing serious health problems and dying from a new coronavirus.
According to the CDC, people with the following conditions may be at increased risk of developing serious illness with COVID-19:
- Asthma (moderate to severe)
- Cerebrovascular disease (affects blood supply to blood vessels and brain)
- Cystic fibrosis
- Hypertension or hypertension
- Immunocompromised (reduced immune system) due to blood or bone marrow transplantation, immunodeficiency, HIV, use of corticosteroids, or use of other immunosuppressive drugs
- Neurological conditions such as dementia
- Liver disease
- pregnancy
- Pulmonary fibrosis (damage or scar in lung tissue)
- smoking
- Thalassemia (a type of blood disease)
- Type 1 diabetes
Approximately 4.2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the United States, resulting in more than 146,000 deaths.
Senior housing in the US accounts for a significant proportion of COVID-19 deaths in the United States. As of July 7, the federal government estimated that more than 37,000 residents of nursing homes had died, and the AP continued to count more than 57,000. Residents are also counting.
APs make up about 40% of the more than 142,000 deaths in the United States. Residents of nursing homes account for only about 1% of the United States population.
Associated Press contributed to this story. This story was reported by Los Angeles.
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