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Diabetes and hypertension kill lives at COVID-19 Transnational residents


El Paso, Texas (Border report) — Local authorities said that many of Elpaso’s 230 coronavirus-related deaths could have been prevented if the victim had taken better care of their health before they became infected with the virus.

Hector Ocalanza of the El Paso County Health Department told Monday that almost all COVID-19 deaths here were associated with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, heart, lung or kidney disease. It was

These ailments can lead to COVID-19 complications, hospitalization, intensive care unit admission, and death, especially if the patient has never been to a doctor or received the latest medications. There is.

“Of the underlying conditions at death, we see hypertension and diabetes as the biggest ones,” Ocalanza said. “We need to control it, make sure they go to their primary care provider, and that they have enough medication.”

According to county data, 57.83% of deceased COVID-19 patients had hypertension, 42.17% had diabetes, and 14.78% had heart disease.

He said that not seeking timely medical assistance also puts COVID-19 patients at a deadly risk. Some people who are already very ill and go to the hospital did not seek medical care to control their underlying illness in fear of getting coronavirus in the hospital or clinic.

Some people don’t go because they don’t have health insurance. According to the 2019 Census estimates, 23.8% of El Paso’s population remains uninsured.

“Here in El Paso, one of the realities is a large proportion of the uninsured population. Ocalanza says that this is a problem when worried when uninsured, especially when This is so for multi-generational households where only people work.

He urged the uninsured to set aside fear and access resources such as county hospitals and university medical centers. There they are charged on a sliding scale for those who cannot afford to pay more.

As far as comorbidities are concerned, genetics may play a role in type 2 diabetes, especially in the majority of Hispanics in El Paso, a condition that can be improved through lifestyle choices such as exercise and healthy eating. Said Ocalanza.

That’s where a new regional campaign called Live Active El Paso comes in. Web-based initiatives allow border residents to swear better lifestyle choices that help avoid chronic illness and survive COVID-19 infections.

Preventing complications from COVID-19 by doing healthy exercise

“There were no cures or vaccines, so we were talking about ways to help people control,” said Vice Mayor Tracy Jerome. “We can do this and focus more on the health of our lives. From the outset we are more likely not to be infected with this virus and if so, with fewer complications and survival. It’s more likely.”

The city manages the campaign through the campaign website Called This includes basic health information, exercise challenges, testimonials, resources such as the El Paso Diabetes Association, gyms, yoga, fitness center and links to partner organizations such as the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service.

“Everyone should set an example. We need to set a good example for children and the elderly,” she said. “You can take small steps. It doesn’t have to be a big dramatic change in a day. It is generally not long lasting, it improves those steps little by little, It makes you feel better and healthier.”

Jerome is one of the top city officials who has made a commitment to Live Active El Paso. She often goes for walks and says she encourages neighbors to walk to the post office instead of driving.

“It’s nice to have more people riding and walking,” she said. “If you’re in a building, and you’re usually in an elevator, you’re going up a single stairs. If you’re going to a grocery store, don’t park near the front door. No mask unless you’re within 6 feet of a person You can walk outdoors.”

El Paso Municipal Health Department Dr. Hector Ocalanza (Photo taken from Facebook)

Ocalanza said he could improve nutrition and lose weight without giving up on Mexican food, which is a staple food for many border families.

“I’m used to Mexican food, so that doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy Mexican food,” he said. “We can also consume what we produce at home, especially in counties where people grow their own vegetables or work in fields where healthy products are available.”

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