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COVID Symptoms: Patients report strange and persistent coronavirus symptoms long after the initial COVID-19 infection


Chicago (WLS)-Around the world, people have reported persistent, mysterious and horrifying symptoms during the weeks and months after being infected with COVID-19.

Patients with severe illness are expected to suffer long-term consequences. However, the ABC7 I team has found that even among young people who are infected with the milder form of the virus, an increasing number of young people are experiencing strange and horrifying long-term symptoms. They became known as “long haul carriers”.

Inner experts and researchers are now struggling to find the triggers and best treatments for those who do not seem to get better from this postviral syndrome.

Abnormal symptoms include brain fogging, loss of sensation and odor, headache, fever, and chronic fatigue. Some of the more serious illnesses reported are spikes in blood pressure, beating hearts, and competition for blood clots.

Elizabeth Moore in Northwest Indiana is one of them. A few months after overcoming COVID-19, she began to show horrifying, unexplained symptoms.

“I could feel it in my body out of nowhere. This sort of growl, rushing feeling, especially tingling in my arms, which was on both sides,” she said.

His 43-year-old wife, mother and lawyer said he had no medical problems so far.

She said she was going to sleep, but a tingling sensation woke her up, leaving her gasping for the air. Moore said it would feel as if someone was pouring cold ice water on her back. Her heart will compete and her blood pressure will skyrocket to dangerous levels.

“I really thought I had a heart attack or a stroke, and I felt that way, it was scary,” she said.

Moore also said he suffers from extreme fatigue, brain fog, and more recently, severe gastrointestinal problems.

She went to the emergency room twice, but there was no solution. One doctor told her that she might only have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

Moore and other frustrated patients participate in online forums and social media sites to find support, validation and answers.

Diana Belent One of such sites called Survivor Corps..

“Many times, people are turned back by doctors and diagnosed with anxiety, and when their lab reports say nothing like that,” she said. It was

Survivor Corps is a grassroots tissue, An estimated 80,000 members on Facebook..

Berrent, a New York photographer, started a non-profit organization after posting about his COVID-19 journey. She found that many people felt uneasy and alone when dealing with the virus.

The group’s core mission is to connect the survivor community with an opportunity to donate plasma and support scientific research related to COVID-19, she said.

“We unintentionally created the world’s largest survivor dataset, recorded in real time,” she said.

Read the full COVID-19 “Long Hauler” symptom research report here

The results of the research conducted by the group and analyzed by Natalie Lambert, a researcher at the Indiana University School of Medicine, were announced. It turns out that the “prolonged” symptoms are far more than those currently listed on the CDC website. The list of Surviving Corps is extensive.

“Doing these types of analytical projects is just the first of many we announce and disseminate. We are open source from start to finish, so we will spread this across the medical community. Please note this to our doctors, we want our patients to know this, which will be available for download on our website,” Berrent said.

There is so much unknown information about the virus that it was discovered about seven months ago and some researchers say it is open to crowdsourced information and collaboration.

In a new report, the CDC acknowledged that one-third of non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients may experience long-term symptoms weeks after the initial illness.

Early July JAMA Network study analyzed just over 140 patients In Italy. It was found that almost 90% of patients who recovered from COVID-19 reported some residual symptoms, such as respiratory problems and fatigue.

“The virus should not be taken lightly, it causes a lot of damage to different organ systems, so it’s not surprising that people have long-lasting symptoms,” said the National Institute. Clinical director Avindra Nass neuropathy and stroke.

He said it was too early to draw conclusions about whether the remaining issues would be permanent.

Eggplant examines the patient’s immune system at the National Institutes of Health and has initiated several studies to study the neurological complications of the virus.

“We’ll try to understand which of them may be coming from a frenzied immune system, and how much may be coming from persistent viral infections,” he said. Said.

In Chicago, Neurocovid-19 Clinic at Northwestern Memorial Hospital Is one of the few medical centers specializing in the study and treatment of these long-term effects.

Dr. Igor Koralnik, Head of Infectious Diseases and Global Neurology at Norhtwestern Medicine, said the virus could initiate an inflammatory response in the body, which could cause a variety of symptoms.

He said other causes could be direct invasion of the nervous system by the virus or autoimmune symptoms after infection.

According to Corralnick, the clinic provides treatment for patients experiencing side effects and is also investigating the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the brain, nervous system, and muscles.

“And we’re learning to track them over time to learn how long their complications are and how to manage them in the meantime,” he explained.

“The COVID-19 Clinic is open to everyone in the United States and can accommodate TV and face-to-face visits.”

Moore discovered the clinic in a support group post and has just become a patient.

“Finding Northwest was reassuring, at least by letting someone other than a member of a social media group tell a doctor that you weren’t crazy,” she said.

She wants to know that there is no other patient who may be feeling desperate.

Moore said, “We’re just starting to see a doctor. He’s going to investigate and investigate what’s going on. It’s really positive, and we’re heading in that direction. We just have to go,” Moore said.

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