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17 Florida medical residents test positive for COVID-19 after holding a house party: US News: Latin Post


Seventeen healthcare professionals and friends at the University of Florida Health reportedly acquired coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in 2019 after hosting a house party.

17 Florida medical residents test positive for COVID-19 after hosting a house party

(Photo: Joe Raedle)
During COVID-19, essential workers keep their business open and serve their customers. Customers wear masks to shop at the Presidente Supermarket in Miami, Florida, April 13, 2020. Employees of the Presidente Supermarket, like workers at other grocery stores in the United States, are at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic and maintain a national food supply.

by WUFT, Seventeen anesthesiologists and one of his friends signed a COVID-19 earlier this month after attending a private party, as shown in a statement by a hospital insider from an internal document. ..

UF Health prohibits employees from talking to reporters without permission, so people familiar with the situation spoke anonymously.

Timothy E. Molly, Dean of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida School of Medicine, sent an email on July 10th reporting that there were 18 positive cases of COVID-19 in the hospital system. The patient is recovering at home.

According to the latest data from yesterday, the reported cases included two senior residents, 14 junior residents, fellows at the university, and administrative staff.

The Department of Anesthesiology hopes the patient will be healthy again. It is still unclear if the medical population will return to work with the patient when they recover from the virus.

WUFT, UF Health In particular, having a private party, even with trained health professionals, is a difficult virus to track and spread. Florida has already warned about the dangers of COVID-19 spreading in social situations.

On Monday, Florida reported the worst cases every day for three weeks. New hospital admissions have decreased and ICU capacity has declined. by Forbes, The state is beginning to show signs that the surge in COVID-19 cases may have peaked. However, public health experts warned against denying all the steps being taken. Experts said Florida has to work hard To prevent the spread of the virus.

Stephanie StrathdyThe Deputy Dean of Global Health Sciences and the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases at the University of California, San Diego, told Forbes that coronaviruses spread not only by coughing and sneezing, but also by self-satisfaction.

She added that without the federal and state obligations to publicly and strictly enforce the use of face masks and to keep social distances, preventing resurrection would be a long way to go.

“My friend, an infectious disease doctor in San Diego, said this when he thought California was not at risk: “The fact that the epidemic peaked does not mean that the virus has disappeared. ICU’s For you,” Strathdy said.

On Monday, 8,892 new COVID-19 cases Reported in Florida. This number is the lowest in 3 weeks. However It was shown to remain higher than other countries in the world, which were cumulatively reported throughout the pandemic.

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