Research suggests that aerosol is a key form of COVID-19 transmission
Early results from a study of 2000 people in the UK and the US suggest that COVID-19, which is transmitted via aerosol transmission, is of substantial importance.
The study, analyzed by a team of data scientists from the United Kingdom, Norway and the United States, is one of the first to explore a variety of personal and work-related predictors. Infection; infection..
COVID 19 probability more than doubled when both samples were taken together and became taller Medical diagnosis Or a positive test for people over 6 feet.
The researchers said that the data from both countries aerosol The likelihood of infection is very high, and the taller the person, the higher the risk. This is unexpected if the infection is solely due to water droplets.
And they say it would not have been observed if the downward transmission of the droplet was the only transmission mechanism.
Aerosol accumulates in poorly ventilated areas and is carried by the air stream. However, droplets are larger than aerosols and are believed to travel a relatively short distance and quickly drop from the air.
Although this paper has not been peer-reviewed, the authors feel that the impact on the debate about aerosol transmission should be provided to the wider community.
The survey also investigates the effects of individual characteristics, circumstances and working conditions.
Using a shared kitchen or accommodation (alternative alternative to stripping) was also an important factor in both countries, especially in the US where odds are 3.5 times higher. In the UK they were 1.7 times higher.
Also, a person with a degree in natural sciences in the United Kingdom is slightly less likely to have this disease, even when managing car ownership and other socio-economic information, than someone in the United States. It was.
They argue that they may have shown that they can be more cautious about shielding in the UK and socially distance themselves.
Evan Kontopantelis, professor of Manchester University, said: “The results of this study of the relationship between height and diagnostics suggest that downward droplet propagation is not the only mechanism of transmission, but aerosol transmission is possible.
“This has been suggested by other studies, but our method of confirmation is novel. Social distances are still important because waterborne transmission is still likely, but masks may be more effective in prevention. However, there is also a need to further consider air purification in the interior space.”
“The University of Open University’s research director, Professor Paul Anand, said: “Many scientific studies focus on patterns of transmission and the underlying mechanisms of transmission. But as the economy and society reopen, both are market economies, but the United States and the United Kingdom The scope and methods differ in providing access to. Health care And welfare support — and to some extent, is shown by the relevance the data show. “
Roland Gonzalez Martinez, a researcher at Agder University in Norway, said: By repeating your observations, you will be able to say more about changes over time. ”
Paul Anand etc. Covid 19 transmission work-related and personal predictors, (2020). DOI: 10.1101 / 2020.07.13.20152819
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Manchester University
Quote: Research shows that aerosols are an important form of COVID-19 transmission (28 July 2020), html
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