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Instagram Removes Madonna’s Post That Spread COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories | Entertainment


Instagram removed a video from Madonna’s feed after reporting the post for spreading false information about COVID-19.

According to screenshots shared on Twitter Tuesday, the pop singer’s legend claimed that a vaccine against the virus “has been available for months” as “the rich get richer and the poor and sick get sicker.”

The video featured Stella Immanuel, a Houston pediatrician widely discredited for promoting conspiracy theories about the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and “sex demons,” as well as anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, according to the Independent. Instagram scrambled the clip and called it “fake news.”

To be clear: there is currently no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19.

“The truth will set us all free!” Madonna wrote, hailing Emmanuel as “my hero”. “But some people don’t want to hear the truth. Especially the people in power who are willing to make money from this long search for a vaccine.”

Representatives for Madonna did not immediately respond to The Times’ request for comment on Wednesday.

Pop musician Annie Lennox was among those who condemned Madonna’s post, calling it “utter insanity”, according to the Guardian.

“I can’t believe you approve of this dangerous quackery,” Lennox wrote. “I hope your site has been hacked and you are about to explain it.”

The video in question was filmed during an event in which Emmanuel claimed to have successfully treated more than 350 patients with hydroxychloroquine. She also called the studies refuting the drug’s effectiveness “false science” and urged the public not to wear masks. Masks have been proven to prevent infections.

Twitter cracked down on COVID-19 conspiracy theories, recently suspending Donald Trump Jr.’s tweet privileges for 12 hours after sharing the same viral video from a group called America’s Frontline Doctors promoting hydroxychloroquine at the exterior of the Supreme Court building. The images were also deleted by Facebook, according to the Washington Post.

Madonna spoke about public health concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic, teaming up with world leaders in May to help raise $ 8 billion for vaccine research. She also said she tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, suspecting that she contracted respiratory illness in Paris during her Madame X tour.

And in March, hitmaker “Like a Prayer” posted a controversial video dubbing the coronavirus “the great equalizer,” while lounging in a lavish tub strewn with rose petals.

“This is the problem with COVID-19,” she said in the video, which has since been deleted following a rapid reaction. “It doesn’t matter how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell. …

“The terrible thing is that it made us all equal in many ways and the wonderful thing is that it made us all equal in many ways.”

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