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Corona virus locks have led some of the UK’s most famous companies to announce massive job losses. The aviation, automotive and retail sectors were hit hardest as the business adjusted to significantly reduce sales forecasts.

The government’s job retention system has protected millions of jobs so far, but there is growing concern that unemployment will increase as the system is phased out from August.

Since the closure began on March 23, some of the UK’s largest companies have announced plans to cut a total of 60,000 jobs worldwide, many of which will fall to the UK.

Marks & Spencer 950 jobs July 20: Expensive, sincere stores reduce the role of the headquarters in managing assets as well as store operations.

Ted Baker 500 Jobs July 19: Fashion retail chain London headquarters, Ugly Brown Building and about 200 roles to play in the rest of the store.

Azzurri 1,200 jobs July 17: Ask Italian and Zizzi pizza chain owners close 75 restaurants and only deliver ford lunch business.

Pizza Express More than 1,000 jobs July 16: The restaurant chain plans to close 75 restaurants as part of its restructuring contract.

Recruitment of Burberry 500 around the world July 15: After a sharp drop in sales during the plague, 150 posts were included in the UK headquarters as luxury brands tried to cut costs by 55m.

G4S 1,150 jobs July 13: Security company G4S plans to shrink its troubled cash-handling business and to spare 1,150 employees as it competes with the use of panic hit cash.

July 9th 4,000 work boots: Boots are closing 4,000 jobs or 7% of the workforce by closing 48 opticians and reducing some management and customer service roles at our headquarters and stores in Nottingham.

John Lewis 1,300 jobs July 9: John Lewis is among the 50 stores that are likely to lose 1,300 jobs, including the entire department store in Birmingham and Watford. It announced that it plans to permanently close the eight.

450 Celtic Manor jobs July 9: The bosses of the Newport Celtic Collection, which held the 2010 Golf Rider Cup and the 2014 NATO meeting, said that 450 out of 995 would lose their jobs.

DHL 2,200 jobs July 7: About 2,200 British logistics workers involved in making Jaguar Land Rover vehicles lose their jobs. About 40% of DHL employees have contracts with automakers.

Achieve 550 jobs on July 7: Daily Mirror, Daily Express and Daily Star newspaper owners need to cut 550 jobs, 12% of their workforce, due to a decrease in advertising demand for titles.

July 6: Pret a Manger has to permanently close 30 branches and can cut at least 1,000 jobs after experiencing significant operational losses as a result of the Covid-19 lock.

Casual Dining Group 1,900 Jobs July 2nd: Owners of Bella Italia, Caf Rouge and Las Iguanas restaurant chains collapsed administratively with immediate loss of 1,900 jobs. The company said several offers were on the table for some of the business, but buyers did not want to buy all of the existing sites, and 91 of the 250 stores would remain permanently closed.

Recruitment of Arcadia 500 July 1: Arcadia, Sir Philip Greens, a fashion group owned by Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, Burton, Evans and Wallis, 500 out of 500 out of 2,500 head office jobs in the coming weeks Said.

July 1, SSP Group 5,000 jobs: The owners of Upper Crust and Caff Ritazza need to slaughter 5,000 jobs, half of the workforce cut across headquarters and across the UK after domestic and international travel stops worldwide.

July 1st Accenture 900 jobs: New York-registered consulting firms are cutting 900 jobs across 11,000 UK employees with reduced demand for services.

700 jobs in Harrods July 1: The department store group is cutting 1 out of 7 out of 4,800 employees due to the ongoing impact of the epidemic.

Airbus 1,700 jobs June 30: European airplane makers announced plans to cut 15,000 jobs in the UK, including 1,700. It warned that the corona virus epidemic sparked the biggest crisis in history.

Harveys 240 jobs June 30: Managers created 240 duplicates with over 1,300 jobs in the furniture chain Harveys if buyers were not found.

TM Lewin 600 Jobs June 30: Shirtmaker TM Lewin lost about 600 jobs and closed all 66 stores.

Royal Mail 2,000 jobs June 25: Royal Mail has announced plans to cut about 2,000 jobs or include one of five out of nearly 10,000 management roles.

June 24: Swiss Port 4,500 Occupations: The Swiss Port, which handles airline passenger baggage and cargo, has launched a consultation process to duplicate 4,556 workers to more than half of the 8,500 British workforce.

Jaguar Land Rover 1,100 jobs June 15: Britain’s largest automaker cuts 1,100 contract workers at manufacturing sites in Merseyside and West Midlands.

Travis Perkins 2,500 jobs June 15: The builder trader behind DIY retailer Wickes and Toolstation cuts 2,500 jobs in the UK, accounting for almost a tenth of the 30,000 strong workforce.

June 11: Centrica 5,000 jobs: Owners of British Gas announced in June that they plan to cut 5,000 jobs, most of which are a quarter of British workforce, to most senior positions and eliminate three management hierarchies.

Johnson Matthey 2,500 jobs June 11: A major supplier of automotive catalytic converters, the chemical company plans to make 2,500 redundancies worldwide 17% of its workforce over the next three years.

Hiring Bombardier 600 June 11: Canadian airplane makers will cut 600 jobs in Northern Ireland as part of the 2,500 redundancy announced in June.

June 11: The fashion brand was bought by the administration through a contract where founder Peter Simon permanently closed 35 stores and lost 545 jobs.

BP 2,000 jobs June 8: The oil company announced in June that it would make 10,000 jobs worldwide, including about 2,000 in the UK.

Jobs for Mulberry 470 June 8: Luxury fashion and accessory brands said in June that they cut 25% of their global workforce and started consulting with 470 employees.

Bentley 1,000 jobs June 5: Crewe-based high-end automakers want to cut 1,000 roles through a voluntary redundancy scheme to cut their workforce by nearly 1/4 to 4,200.

June 4 Aston Martin Lagonda 500 jobs: Luxury car manufacturer based in Warwickshire, struggling even before the epidemic announced 500 redundancy.

Luke’s 1,500 jobs June 4: The auto dealership chain said it plans to cut 1,500 jobs and close 12 dealers in the days after the auto showroom resumes in the UK.

Rolls-Royce 9,000 jobs June 3: Jet engine manufacturers have confirmed that 3,000 job cuts out of 9,000 plans worldwide will be made on site in the UK.

Restaurant Group 3,000 jobs June 3: Owners of restaurant chains such as Wagamama and Frankie & Bennys have closed most branches of Chiquito and 11 Food & Fuel pubs, and 120 restaurants are permanently closed. Total job loss can reach 3,000.

EasyJet 4,500 jobs May 28: The airline has announced plans to cut 4,500 people (30% of its workforce) in preparation for reduced demand.

McLaren 1,200 jobs May 26: Formula 1 team owner and supercar manufacturer McLaren Group cut 1,200 jobs to save money.

Recruitment of Clarks 900 May 21: Clarks plans to cut 900 office jobs due to the growing popularity of online shopping and online shoe shopping worldwide.

May 19: UK’s second-largest energy supplier announced plans to cut 2,600 jobs in May and close the office after most of its customer service goes online since it closed.

JCB 900 jobs May 15: Shredder manufacturer JCB said up to 950 jobs are at risk after the demand for machinery has halved due to the corona virus outage in May.

Tui 8,000 jobs May 13: Travel company Tui plans to cut up to 8,000 jobs worldwide in response to the corona virus turmoil surrounding the tourism industry.

Virgin Atlantic 3,000 jobs May 5: Richard Bransons airlines will cut more than 3,000 jobs, cut more than a third of its workforce and stop operating in Gatwick.

Ryanair 3,000 jobs May 1st: Irish airlines want to cut 3,000 roles and cut employee salaries by up to a fifth.

Aer Lingus 900 jobs May 1: The Irish flag airline, part of the International Airlines Group (IAG), plans to cut 900 jobs.

Oasis and Warehouse 1,800 jobs April 30: The fashion brand was acquired by the administration through the restructuring of Hilco in April, all stores were permanently closed and more than 1,800 jobs lost.

British Airways 12,000 jobs

April 28: British aircraft carriers double up to 12,000 employees, reducing one of the airline’s four jobs, and cabin crew, pilots and ground personnel are affected.

1,800 jobs in Catfish

April 23: British engineering firm Meggitt plans to lose about 1,800 jobs making parts for commercial aviation.

Safran 400 jobs

April 23: French aircraft seat manufacturer Safran cut 400 jobs in UK operations, including a factory in Cwmbran.

Cath Kidston 900 jobs

April 21: More than 900 jobs will be immediately affected by the retro retail label Cath Kidston, after all 60 UK retail outlets are said to be permanently closed.

De Benham 4,000 jobs

April 9: At least 4,000 jobs will disappear from Debenhams in headquarters and closed stores after the administration collapsed in April, the second time in January.

Laura Ashley 2,700 jobs March 17: Laura Ashley said the 2,700 job losses collapsed into the administration and the rescue talks were stopped by the plague.

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