Survey finds most people don't know the numbers that help predict heart disease
Tracking your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels can help identify risk factors for heart disease. However, a national survey conducted by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that while many adults know their childhood address and their best friend's birthday, fewer than half know their blood pressure and ideal weight, and less than half know their cholesterol and ideal weight. It turns out that fewer than one in five people know their blood sugar levels. level.
“recognize Heart disease Risk factor If treated early and properly, heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure may be prevented. As a society, we need to move from treating disease to preventive care so that people can live the best and fullest lives possible.'' Preventive Cardiology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center said Sara and Dr. Lakshmi Mehta, Director of Medicine and Women's Cardiovascular Health. Ross Souter Endowed Chair in Women's Cardiovascular Health Research.
In this survey, we asked more than 1,000 adults nationwide whether they knew their blood pressure, ideal body weight, body weight, etc. cholesterol or Blood glucose level. When it comes to these key heart health tests, most people (44%) knew their ideal weight (body mass index or BMI), the fewest people (15%) knew their blood sugar levels. In contrast, 68% knew their childhood address and 58% knew their best friend's birthday.
“Most people associate diabetes with one of the following: family history Or you're overweight but don't think it's related to heart disease. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease or stroke than people without heart disease. And women with diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease than men,” Mehta said.
The survey found that while many Americans don't know these health numbers by heart, they do get tested regularly. The majority said they had had their blood pressure and heart rate tested within the past year, and their blood sugar and cholesterol tested within the past five years.
“Most people can get tested at their doctor's office, or even if you don't see a doctor, there are machines to take your blood pressure at free health fairs and pharmacies,” Mehta said. Ta. “In addition to knowing your numbers, it is important to be proactive with medication and treatment. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. When you see your doctor, ask about your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels and what your normal ranges about you sleeping habits The same goes for diet, exercise, smoking, and drinking. And while none of us like to talk about our weight, it's an important conversation because being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease. ”
What is your healthy heart number?
- blood pressure. The systolic or upper reading should be less than 120 mm Hg and the diastolic or lower reading should be less than 80 mm Hg.
- Blood glucose level. After 8 hours of fasting, blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL or hemoglobin A1C less than 5.7.
- cholesterol. Talk to your health care professional about the recommended ranges for your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglycerides and how they affect your heart risks.
- Body mass index (BMI). The normal range is 18.5 to 24.9.
- Sleep: Aim for an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day.
“It's also important to know your family health history and discuss it with your doctor. There may be risk factors that require medication or lifestyle changes, and the earlier these are identified, the better. , which can cause heart attacks and strokes. blood pressure Or they had very high cholesterol levels and never got tested,” Mehta said.
Have a family history of high cholesterol
Erica Hutson, 37, of Plain City, was in her 20s when an insurance-covered medical exam revealed she had high cholesterol levels. She did nothing for 10 years because she was young and healthy. When she learned that her father had died in his 60s from coronary artery disease and that coronary artery disease ran in her family, she changed her mind about the disease.
“His death really made me think about things and make me look at my life in a completely different light,” she said.
Hutson's doctor put her on cholesterol medication, but her numbers remained high, so she started seeing Dr. Wesley Milks, who specializes in dyslipidemia at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. He added it to his statin therapy, which he self-injected at home every few weeks. Her cholesterol levels have returned to a healthy range.
“It's really important to know what your number is, what it means, and talk to your doctor. Give that information to your children so the whole family can be prepared. “You need to know the family history on both sides, and what they need to stay healthy,” said Hutson, who has two young children.
Research method
This study was conducted by SSRS on its Opinion Panel Omnibus platform on behalf of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. The SSRS Opinion Panel Omnibus is a twice-monthly national probability-based survey. Data collection was conducted from December 15 to 17, 2023, with a sample of 1,010 respondents.
The survey was conducted in English via the web (n=980) and by phone (n=30). The margin of error across respondents is +/- 3.7 percentage points at a 95% confidence level. All SSRS Opinion Panel omnibus data is weighted to represent the target population of U.S. adults ages 18 and older.
provided by
The Ohio State University Medical Center
Quote: Survey finds most people don't know the numbers that can help predict heart disease (February 7, 2024) Retrieved February 7, 2024 from disease.html
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