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29-year-old chef dies from rare fungal lung infection

29-year-old chef dies from rare fungal lung infection


A Michigan chef died after contracting a rare fungal infection that caused a “large hole” in his lung.

Ian Pritchard, 29, a chef from Petoskey, was hospitalized the week before Thanksgiving with flu-like symptoms. After his arrival, his condition rapidly deteriorated and he was taken to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, where doctors determined he had a rare fungal infection in his lungs called blastomycosis. .

Blastomycosis is an infection caused by a fungus called Blastomyces, which lives in the environment, particularly in moist soil and decomposing material such as wood and leaves. CDC.

According to the CDC, people can contract blastomycosis if they inhale microscopic fungal spores in the air. Most people who inhale the spores do not become ill, but some develop symptoms such as fever and cough, and the infection can become severe if untreated.

“It's everywhere: in the air, in the trees, in wet leaves, on the ground, in the mud,” said Ron Pritchard, Ian's father. WPBN. “All over northern Michigan, in fact, the Midwest; [blastomyces]. ”

Ron also explained that the infection left a “big hole” in his son's lungs, adding: “They showed me pictures of his lungs and they literally looked like Swiss cheese.”

Ian Pritchard.

Ian Pritchard/Facebook

Ian was then placed on life support and placed in a medically induced coma while receiving treatment. According to the CDC, blastomycosis is usually treated with antifungal drugs, and depending on the severity, treatment can range from six months to a year.

In Ian's case, treatment took time. He is also in a “serious condition” and will not be able to receive a life-saving lung transplant until the infection subsides.

While in the hospital, a longtime family friend said, gofundme A page has been created on their behalf to raise funds for his recovery and medical expenses.

A December 27 update on the account said Ian had been brought out of a medically induced coma, but was still heavily sedated and could only communicate through non-verbal cues. . Her family said: “Ian is self-aware and she is determined to fight for her life.”

Ian Pritchard.

Ian Pritchard/Facebook

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However, on the night of February 3, just days before his 30th birthday, Ian passed away surrounded by his parents and sister.

“Ron and his family are clearly devastated and heartbroken,” the GoFundMe statement said. “Ron told me it was Ian's decision to take him off life support. He was very alert today and indicated to them that he was ready to go. This young man Ian has been in the hospital since the week before Thanksgiving…more than 11 weeks ago, if you recall. The blastomycosis fungal infection destroyed Ian's lungs beyond repair.”

There is no vaccine to prevent blastomycosis, and it may not be possible to completely avoid exposure to the fungus that causes the disease, especially in areas where blastomycosis is endemic, the CDC says.

According to the CDC, people with weakened immune systems may want to consider avoiding activities that destroy the soil in these areas.




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