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Urine test provides a non-invasive, rapid screening to detect cancer in dogs

Urine test provides a non-invasive, rapid screening to detect cancer in dogs


Patrick Kosmider/

Cancer is the leading cause of death in adult dogs1 50% of dogs over the age of 10 die from this disease.2 The prevalence of this disease allows veterinary researchers to continually work to find better options for diagnostic and early detection techniques. One of the developments from PetDx is liquid biopsy test for dogsCenters on cell-free DNA biomarkers extracted from blood and provides an innovative approach to detecting cancer through analysis based on both quantity and quality. Another development comes from researchers in the College of Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.Research published in Frontiers of veterinary medicine3 details a new non-invasive rapid test using dog urine that potentially enables early detection of cancer.Four

The decision to use urine arose from the understanding that cancer and cancer treatments are known to dysregulate kidney structure and function, affecting the composition of urine.Five Researchers have used the same technique successfully in other studies on chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, the renal effects of COVID-19, microhematuria, bladder cancer, and chronic Lyme disease. We were confident in using Raman spectroscopy-based techniques.3

The methodology used in the study included 89 dogs with no history or evidence of oncological disease, 100 dogs diagnosed with cancer (four common types including lymphoma, urothelial carcinoma, osteosarcoma, and mast). Urine samples collected by voiding, cystocentesis, or catheterization from one of the following types were included: cell tumors), and 16 dogs diagnosed with non-neoplastic urinary tract disease or kidney disease.3 Using an innovative approach to Raman spectroscopy, the researchers examined urine samples and identified distinct molecular patterns. Remarkably, subjects with cancer exhibit a unique “fingerprint”, suggesting the potential utility of this method for detecting the presence of cancer.Four

“When a new patient comes into the clinic and provides a urine sample, we can compare it to our database of urine scans to determine whether the sample is a better match to a cancer fingerprint or a healthy fingerprint,” Ryan says.・Master's Ph.D. Senger said: According to a university release, he is an associate professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering. “In previous studies, he was able to tell with more than 90% accuracy whether new samples had cancerous or healthy fingerprints.”Four

According to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, blood tests have an accuracy rate of about 60%.Four Additionally, the required testing procedures tend to be expensive. This new urine screening method provides a quick initial assessment of potential cancer markers in dogs, eliminating the need to wait for blood test results. Additionally, home testing may become more convenient in the future.Four

“If owners wish, they can have their dog's urine tested every few months, depending on their dog's cancer risk, instead of having to pay a high test fee every few months,” says DACVIM. said Dr. Nikolaos Dervisis, DVM, Oncology. , associate professor of oncology at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. “This screening allows veterinarians to determine whether more comprehensive testing is needed based on the results.”Four

With multiple laser scans, each urine sample was scanned within 5 minutes. The results showed that the identified spectral fingerprints in the participant's urine gave him an overall accuracy of 92.7% for cancer and cancer-free designations.3 Given these positive results, researchers hope to expand the test's capabilities to determine the best treatment for diagnosed patients. They also hope to be able to evaluate tumors and, if applicable, detect cases of recurrence. If research advances in these areas also yield positive results, the Virginia and Maryland teams will study ways to expand its use to other animal and human health research.Four

“We are thrilled to be working with Dr. John Robertson, VMD, Ph.D., research professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Can we differentiate the types of diseases we screen for? Which patients are responding to drugs and why? We are currently working with other institutions to understand how all these factors We are working on further research to see if it could be beneficial. ”Four

For a more detailed evaluation of the study, including methodology and results, see below. Frontiers of veterinary medicine.3


  1. Fleming JM, Creevey KE, Promislow DE. North American dog mortality from 1984 to 2004: An examination of age-, size-, and breed-related causes of death. J Veterinary trainee. 2011;25(2):187-98. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.0695.x
  2. Beltrán Hernandez I, Kromhout JZ, Teske E, Hennink WE, van Nimwegen SA, Oliveira S. Molecular targets for anticancer therapy in companion animals and humans: what can we learn from each other? theranostics. 2021;11(8):3882-3897. doi: 10.7150/thno.55760
  3. Robertson JL, Darvisis N, Rothmeisl J et al. Cancer detection in dogs using rapid Raman molecular urine analysis. Front Veterinary Science. 2024;11.
  4. Brittner B. Innovative screening can detect 'cancer fingerprints' in dogs. Virginia Tech and State University. February 7, 2024. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  5. Hottendorf GH, Nielsen SW. Collagen necrosis in canine mast cell tumors. Am J. Pasol. 1966;49(3):501-513.




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