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92% of executives say a dual-track approach is needed for successful digital transformation


A solid strategy combines innovation at the corporate and business process level, with Harvard Business Review Analysis Services and Quickbase found.

The majority of global business leaders (92%) say a dual-track approach is required for successful digital transformation, according to Harvard Business Review Analysis Services and a quick-based report. A report published Wednesday found that such a strategy combines innovation at both the enterprise and business process levels.

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“The pace and scale of innovation now is something we’ve never seen before businesses need to move faster and drive operational agility to adapt and prepare for essentially anything. Ed Jennings, CEO of Quick Base, said. -Coding platform in press releases.

“But despite the massive digital transformation efforts already in place, siled data, cumbersome processes, and rigorous systems keep people at the forefront,” Jennings said. “The results of this report were very clear. Companies need to extend their traditional approaches to help employees solve problems and maximize their potential.”

A lot of effort is usually spent implementing the technology, but that doesn’t mean their plans are good enough. In the report, less than a quarter (22%) of executives rated their transformation strategy as “extremely effective.”

About 80% of the respondents “strongly agree” that a dual track approach is essential, while 69% say they are not implementing such a strategy.

The report outlines what this type of strategy really looks like so that organizations can embark on a dual-track approach.

Dual track approach 1. Company-wide direction

According to the report, this first part of the dual-track approach focuses on identifying and implementing new digital technologies across the organization, while also addressing cultural and business workflow changes that are impacted by the transformation.

This step is important but complicated and time consuming. This is why many executives are dissatisfied with the results of today’s transformation. According to the report, executives are not only impatient, nor do they have the second part of the dual track to make that happen.

2. Rapid cycle innovation

The second part is a parallel track focusing on areas that are overlooked in large conversion strategies. Reportedly, these areas include the organization’s ability to quickly connect and modernize hundreds of critical processes across both business workflows and workgroups.

This goal can be achieved through Rapid Cycle Innovation, which encourages non-IT business professionals to propose and create new apps to update existing workflow processes, helping the company to succeed faster and transform the long term. I have a goal. ..

Nearly half of the executives surveyed (48%) say decentralized innovation is important to help address competitive pressures.

According to the report, to pursue a dual-track approach that guarantees long-term success, however, companies have the tools that can deliver on that promise.

The importance of low code technology

According to the report, cloud-based low-code technology is the key to successful dual-track conversion. This technology allows professionals to create their own apps and services outside of IT.

According to the report, more than half (52%) of the respondents said the main advantage of the low-code platform was to encourage business leaders to be more active in innovation and idea generation, which is rapid cycle innovation. Is said to be the main motive of.

Speed ​​is also an important factor. About 44% of leaders say that the greatest benefit of low-code is facilitating faster delivery of business apps in their organizations compared to traditional development processes. This priority could increase as executives consider how COVID-19 emphasizes flexibility and the ability to respond quickly to widespread disruptions.

Respondents were aware of the importance of low-code tools, but were concerned about security and compliance. More than half of executives say they fear that shadow IT apps created outside of IT don’t meet the required requirements.

According to the report, once these concerns are eliminated and security is built in from day one, dual-track conversion can bring significant benefits to businesses.

For more information, make sure Salesforce sees low-code as an important way to drive TechRepublic’s new regular digital transformation of remote work.

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