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India will take bullet trains on 7 new routes soon; NHAI will get land for high speed train tracks | India News


NEW DELHI: The country will soon have an extensive network of high-speed bullet trains on seven new roads and, to speed up the project, Indian Railways together with the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) will start the land acquisition process additional.

According to reports, the NHAI will soon take land to lay high-speed train tracks along the Greenfield Highways for the integrated development of the rail transport network in the country.

The decision to receive additional land was made during a recent meeting of a group of infrastructure ministers led by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari.

During the infra-sectoral group meeting, it was decided that the NHAI would take over the land acquisition and a 4-member committee was formed to move this process forward.

The four-member task force will develop modalities for land acquisition and cost sharing. It can be noted that Indian Railways is in the process of preparing the project of 7 high speed railways in the country.

According to reports, Indian Railways plans to run bullet trains on 7 major new roads in the country.

The seven high-speed rail corridors are Delhi to Varanasi via Noida, Agra and Lucknow; Varanasi to Howrah through Patna; Delhi to Ahmedabad via Jaipur and Udaipur; Delhi to Amritsar through Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Jalandhar; Mumbai to Nagpur via Nasik; Mumbai to Hyderabad via Pune and Chennai to Mysore via Bangalore.

The Railway Board has also written to the NHAI and provided details of the seven high-speed rail corridors for running bullet trains for which detailed project reports are being prepared.

The NHAI has been asked to deposit a nodal officer for this purpose for better integration of the mammoth planning exercise.

In a related development, Chairman of the Railway Board VK Yadav said that two large ticket projects – the Dedicated Transport Corridor and the bullet train project – aimed at a modal shift in railway operations in the country, will not be delayed despite coronavirus crisis.

His statement comes at a time when most infrastructure projects in the country are facing delays due to blockages, accompanied by job cuts and the economic downturn.

The 81,000 Rs Dedicated Transport Corridor, which is the single largest railway development project currently underway, consists of the Eastern DFC, a freight line of 1,839 km from Ludhiana to the Punjab to Dankuni near Kolkata , West Bengal and the 1483- km WDFC or western corridor connecting the capital of India Delhi and its economic center Mumbai.

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