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Elderly man in Alaska reports first death from recently discovered Alaska pox virus

Elderly man in Alaska reports first death from recently discovered Alaska pox virus
Elderly man in Alaska reports first death from recently discovered Alaska pox virus


Anchorage, Alaska — An elderly man has died from Alaska smallpox, the first death from the recently discovered virus, state health officials said.

The man, who lived on the remote Kenai Peninsula, was hospitalized in November and died in late January, Alaska public health officials said last week.

The man was undergoing cancer treatment and the medication suppressed his immune system, which may have contributed to the severity of his illness, the newspaper said. The paper lists him as a senior citizen, but does not specify his age.

Alaskapox, also known as AKPV, is related to smallpox, cowpox and variola, health officials said. Symptoms include a rash, swollen lymph nodes, and joint and muscle pain.

Only six other cases of the virus have been reported to Alaska health officials since the first case occurred in 2015. Health officials said all those involved lived in the Fairbanks area, more than 300 miles (483 kilometers) from the Kenai Peninsula.

All had mild symptoms and recovered without being hospitalized.

The deceased man “resided alone in a forested area and had no recent travel history, no recent travel, illness, or close contact with similar pathologies,” the health bulletin said.

It's unclear how AKPV is transmitted, but researchers say it may be zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Testing found evidence of current or past infection in several small mammals in the Fairbanks area, including red voles, and at least one pet, the bulletin said.

According to the newspaper, the man was taking care of a stray cat at his home.

The cat tested negative for the virus, but “regularly hunted small mammals and frequently scratched the patient,” the bulletin said.

This raises the possibility that the virus was attached to cats when they scratched their claws. The preliminary report said there was a “significant” scratch near the armpit where the first symptom, a red lesion, was observed.

Health officials said there are no documented cases of humans transmitting the virus, but people with skin lesions that may be caused by Alaska pox should be advised to cover the affected area with a bandage. recommended. ”

Other suggestions include washing your hands thoroughly, avoiding sharing clothing that may have come into contact with the affected area, and washing clothes and sheets separately from other household items.

Health officials also reminded Alaskans to follow federal health precautions when near wildlife to avoid possible Alaska variola infection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends washing your hands with soap and water after coming into contact with wild animals or their feces. Officials suggest that hunters should always wear gloves when handling dead animals, even if they have just been killed.




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