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Tailored protection: Australia's sun safety guidelines are adapted to a variety of skin types.

Tailored protection: Australia's sun safety guidelines are adapted to a variety of skin types.


Key Point
  • The guidelines classify people into three groups and provide advice on sun exposure based on skin type.
  • Experts emphasize the importance of applying sunscreen daily whenever the UV index is 3 or higher.
  • New modeling also provides more clarity on the amount of time needed outdoors to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.
For the first time, sun safety guidelines have been updated to include advice for a variety of skin types.

Excessive sun exposure is harmful, but vitamin D is essential. However, numerous studies have revealed that some people are confused about how to protect themselves from the sun while getting enough vitamin D.

To help people better understand the risks and benefits of sun exposure, Australia's leading experts have released new guidelines based on research led by Professor Rachel Neill of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane. is created.
Mr Neil said the new guidelines specifically recognized the diversity of Australia's population.

“Historically, we've had pretty much a one-size-fits-all message about sunscreen, which isn't necessarily the right advice for all Australians,” she says. “So this advice is trying to address exactly that problem.”

Different skin types, different approaches to sun exposure

Ever since Sid the Seagull, sun safety advice has been here to stay. Wear long sleeves, apply sunscreen, and wear a hat.

Two additional recommendations were added in 2007. Find shade and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun's strong rays.

A girl wearing a pink dress, hat, and sunglasses stands next to Sid the Seagull.

Ever since Sid the Seagull first told Australians to wear long sleeves, apply sunscreen and wear a hat in 1981, sun safety advice has been here to stay. sauce: AAP / Cancer Council Victoria

Mr Neil said the new advice “recognizes that the sun can be bad or good and the balance of how to get it is not the same for everyone”.

Researchers divided people into three groups according to skin type, she said.
The first group is people with very dark skin, who are most at risk for vitamin D deficiency.
“People with very dark skin have a very low risk of sun-induced skin cancer, but they are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency and lack other benefits,” Neal said.

This group is safe outdoors and does not need routine sunscreen unless they are in the sun for long periods of time.

A dark-skinned person is playing badminton on the beach by the water.

According to the guidelines, people with darker skin are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency and may not need routine sunscreen unless exposed for long periods of time. sauce: getty / robert nickelsburg

The second group includes people with very pale skin that burns easily. People with less fair skin may also have certain risk factors, such as a family history of melanoma, a personal history of skin cancer, immunosuppression, or having many large or abnormal moles. point.

“For such people, we recommend that they remain fully covered when outdoors. If they do so, they may be at risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, they should discuss their vitamin D requirements with their doctor. “There is,” Neal explained.

The third group is people with dark white, olive, or light brown skin who are at moderate risk for skin cancer.

For this group, the advice recommends daily sunscreen use, but a little time outdoors most days of the week to maintain vitamin D and reap the other benefits of exposure to sunlight. We recommend that you spend some time there.

Why is vitamin D important? How can I make sure I get enough vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining our health.
“We've known for some time that vitamin D is very important for bones, but there is growing evidence of its importance particularly for the immune system and, by extension, immune system-related diseases, including infectious disease outcomes. “And there are consequences of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis,” Neal said.

The body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) B rays from the sun.

People with darker skin usually need more exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as people with lighter skin.
New modeling also provides more clarity on the amount of time needed outdoors to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

Anne Kast, Chair of the Cancer Council's National Skin Cancer Committee, says in most parts of Australia, just a few minutes of sun exposure is enough to get enough vitamin D. However, if you live in Tasmania during the winter months, you may need a longer exposure time depending on your skin type.

A woman wearing a red top is applying sunscreen on her shoulders.

In most parts of Australia, the UV index is above 3 (the level at which it is recommended that most Australians wear sunscreen) for most of the year. sauce: getty / video alliance

Neil added that the sun may have some benefits when it comes to stand-alone vitamin D, and that just taking a supplement isn't necessarily the best approach for everyone.

Experts also recognize that there may be specific reasons why people cover their bodies completely.

“It could be for occupational reasons, it could be for cultural reasons. If so, people should talk to their doctors about their vitamin D needs. , because they can't make vitamin D,'' Neal said.

Keep sunscreen next to your toothbrush

Mr Neil and Mr Kast's advice for the majority of Australians is to apply sunscreen whenever the UV index is above 3. This information can be found on the Cancer Council's SunSmart app.
Most parts of Australia have a UV index of 3 or higher for most of the year.
“Put a bottle of sunscreen next to your toothbrush,” Kast suggested.

“Apply sunscreen when you brush your teeth, and remember to reapply afterwards.”

Neil also said he keeps sunscreen in the bathroom next to the shower.
“When I get out of the shower, I put this on before I get dressed. That way I don't have to mix and match clothes. It's completely routine for me.

“This means that if you have to go outside during the day for any reason, you can be confident that you have a basic level of protection on your own.”




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