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Salt substitutes may reduce risk by 40%

Salt substitutes may reduce risk by 40%
Salt substitutes may reduce risk by 40%


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Research suggests that using salt substitutes to reduce your regular salt intake may help lower high blood pressure. Sophia Singh/Stocksy
  • Excessive salt intake is known to be a risk factor for developing high blood pressure.
  • New study shows replacing regular table salt with salt substitutes can help Regulates blood pressure in the elderly.
  • Salt substitutes can help increase potassium intake while minimizing sodium intake, both of which are associated with healthy blood pressure levels.

Excessive salt intake is a worldwide cause of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

New research shows that using salt substitutes (low-sodium, flavorful food additives) instead of table salt may reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

This article was published on February 12th. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, found that older adults with higher-than-normal blood pressure had lower rates of hypertension when they used salt substitutes. They also had lower overall blood pressure compared to people who used table salt.

In addition, the incidence of hypotension (Low blood pressure), there are potential health concerns for people with the following symptoms: healthy blood pressurewere nearly identical between the two groups.

“This means that salt substitutes may be beneficial not only for people with conditions such as: high blood pressureThis has been proven in previous studies as well as being safe for people with normal blood pressure. ” Dr. Yanfeng Wusaid Dr. Peking University Clinical Research Institute Executive Director and lead author of the study. Today's medical news.

The research is DECIDE-Salt Trial, a multicenter study conducted in 48 elderly care facilities in China. Approximately 75% of participants were male, and the average age of participants was 71 years.

Over the course of a two-year trial, scientists wanted to see how different approaches to salt affected participants' blood pressure.

Comparing 2×2 factorial design with regular salt intake I then gradually limited my salt intake to regular salt or salt substitutes.

Participants who took salt substitutes showed improvement in blood pressure.

To further investigate these findings, the researchers wanted to see how salt substitutes affected only those with blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg.

The study involved approximately 600 participants, who were divided equally into two groups: those consuming regular salt and those consuming salt substitutes.

To participate in this trial, participants had to have a blood pressure reading below 140/90 mm Hg to meet the study authors' “normal” blood pressure requirements and could not have their blood pressure measured. blood pressure medicine.

However, it is important to note that the ideal blood pressure reading is 120/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)anything above that is considered at risk or prehypertensive.

Over the two-year study period, researchers found that people in the group who consumed salt substitutes were 40% less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who consumed salt.

There were 60 new cases of high blood pressure in the salt substitute group, compared to 95 in the salt group.

However, the incidence of hypotension was almost even: 16.6% of participants in the salt replacement group and 11.7% in the salt group. The researchers did not consider this finding to be statistically significant.

The mean blood pressure measurements between the two groups were significant. Compared to baseline measurements, the salt replacement group lost an average of 8 points in body weight. systolic blood pressure (top number), a less robust but still significant 2 point decline. diastolic blood pressure (bottom number).

“This study demonstrated that mean blood pressure increased in the regular salt control group, but remained unchanged in the salt replacement group,” Dr. Wu explained.

The authors note that salt substitutes appear to prevent blood pressure from increasing, rather than causing a decrease. This difference helps explain why the occurrence of hypotension remains approximately the same.

Salt intake is associated with high blood pressure adversely affect health like:

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • kidney damage
  • osteoporosis

There is growing evidence that salt substitutes can be an inexpensive and effective way to reduce salt intake.

in accompanying editorial For studying, Dr.rick old embelink, a researcher at the University of Amsterdam UMC, investigated the potential public health impacts of using salt substitutes on a large scale. He wrote that attempts to curb global salt intake were a “failed strategy” and pointed to salt substitution as an “attractive alternative”.

“Ideally, you should choose suitable products with low salt content in the supermarket and not add salt yourself,” Dr Engverink said. MNT.

“But this is very difficult for individuals. I'd rather have my patients consume less than 5 grams of salt than eat 10 grams of salt substitutes,” he said. .

Hidden salt in food

Sodium intake has less to do with the salt shaker on your plate and more to do with how food is processed today.

just about 10% of your sodium intake comes from the salt shakermost of which comes from refined processed foods and eating out.

kristin kirkpatricka registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic and author of the following books: regenerative healthSaid MNT She recommends avoiding processed foods and replacing salt with herbs and root vegetables.

“Ultra-processed foods are often very high in salt. Salt substitutes may play a role. But my main actions that I try to help patients with are It’s often not about transformation,” she said.

Salt and sodium are often used interchangeably, but it's important to know the difference.

Table salt is made up of sodium chloride, which is about 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Therefore, a given amount of salt, say 1 tablespoon of salt, is only 40% sodium. This is the reason for the recommended daily intake. Salt intake is different from sodium intake.

The World Health Organization recommends consuming the following amounts: 2,000 milligrams of sodium or 5 grams of salt daily. In the United States, 2,300mg of sodium per day is recommended.

Sodium also doesn't come from salt alone; it's found in preservatives like sodium nitrate and sodium nitrate. baking soda In the same way.

various salt substitutes

Salt substitutes, like the one used in the study, on the other hand, replace some of the sodium content with another mineral, potassium, or flavorings, such as mushrooms, lemon, herbs, or seaweed.

In the DECIDE-Salt test, the salt substitute consisted of 62.5% sodium chloride, 25% potassium chloride, and 12.5% ​​dry food flavor.

Salt substitutes also offer dual benefits by reducing sodium and increasing potassium intake. Both have been shown to be effective. Improves blood pressure.

“Using potassium-rich salt substitutes reduces sodium intake while simultaneously increasing potassium intake, resulting in a 'double effect.' lower blood pressure You don't need to make any major lifestyle changes,” Dr. Wu said.




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