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School closures failed to prevent community spread of COVID-19: Study

School closures failed to prevent community spread of COVID-19: Study
School closures failed to prevent community spread of COVID-19: Study


McMaster University researchers found that schools were not a major source of infection when masks and vaccinations were in place. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) contagion; infection.

“After initial closures and stay-at-home orders were issued, we saw no impact on community-level transmission as schools subsequently reopened or closed,” Sarah Neal Strumko said. He is a professor of health research at McMaster University and the study's lead author. “Rather, the transmission patterns we saw in schools were more reflective of what was already happening in the community.”

The study found that nursery school children and elementary and high school students can remain in classrooms if certain infection prevention and control measures are in place, but that eliminating them would still prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the broader community. There was no surge in viral infections, which showed they could remain in the classroom.

“Not surprisingly, vaccination was very effective in preventing infection in school settings. Masking was also one of the more effective interventions,” said Neil Strumko.

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Test-stay policies have also been effective in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in schools and daycare centers. This allows all children who test negative after a confirmed case in their class to attend school instead of undergoing two weeks of home quarantine.

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But policies such as conformity and distancing policies “don't seem to have made much of a difference” because children are unable to adhere to them in school settings, Neil-Strumko added.

Ontario has had schools closed longer than any other province in response to the coronavirus.

Lisa Wagowski, a mother of three in Toronto, said she often wonders if keeping schools closed is doing “more than a good thing.”

“We felt that masks, screening, readily available COVID-19 tests, and cohorting were effective,” she said, adding, “One of the things that my daughter, who was 7 at the time, learned was: Click on the YouTube video.”

The researchers began reviewing the evidence in May 2020 and have updated their findings 18 times over the course of the pandemic. The final version of their study was published in the medical journal Lancet Child and Adolescent Health.

“Things changed along the way,” Neil Strumko said. “As vaccinations became more widely available, variants of concern became more prevalent. The context we were dealing with has changed, so we've continued to update this review to ensure decision-makers have the most up-to-date information.”

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Researchers hope their findings will provide a strong, fact-based foundation for how to appropriately respond to significant outbreaks caused by future variants and other infectious diseases.

© 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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