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Two vaccines, one target: How the RTS, S, and R21 malaria vaccines work

Two vaccines, one target: How the RTS, S, and R21 malaria vaccines work
Two vaccines, one target: How the RTS, S, and R21 malaria vaccines work


of malaria parasite The parasite that causes malaria is a complex enemy. Developing a vaccine against it is a major challenge because of its multi-stage life cycle and ability to change its protein clothing to hide from the human immune system.

After decades of attempts, the world now has two vaccines that protect children from infectious diseases. Plasmodium falciparum – The world’s deadliest malaria parasite.

Both vaccines cause the production of antibodies that block sporozoites from infecting liver cells. Cells that manage to break through become targets for T cells, which are also activated by the vaccine.

Malaria is transmitted from person to person through the bite of a woman. Anopheles mosquito mosquito. The infection cycle begins when the mosquito, as it feeds, injects elongated, highly mobile forms of the parasite called “sporozoites” into a person's blood through the mosquito's salivary glands.

Malaria parasite life cycle infographic

Once inside the body, these parasites move from tissue to tissue and repeatedly change their shape (see diagram). However, the RTS,S and R21/Matrix M malaria vaccines target the sporozoite stage of its life cycle. Catch parasites before they multiply and get out of control.

Both vaccines target a protein called circumsporozoite protein (CSP) on the surface of sporozoites, which helps sporozoites invade liver cells.

The RTS,S vaccine contains fragments of CSP linked to hepatitis B virus proteins that spontaneously self-assemble into virus-like particles, structures that look like viruses but are not fully formed. It's harmless. Linking CSP in this way can alert the immune system to her CSP and trigger a stronger vaccine response.

The R21 vaccine also contains a fragment of CSP linked to a hepatitis B virus protein, but the manufacturing process is different; More CSP molecules attach to each virus-like particle.

Vaccines are administered with various adjuvants, which are substances that further enhance the immune system's response to the CSP protein (antigen).

Both vaccines cause the production of antibodies that block sporozoites from infecting liver cells. Cells that manage to break through become targets for T cells activated by the vaccine.

Although these have not been tested in head-to-head trials, “there is no evidence to date that one vaccine is more effective than the other.” World Health Organization (WHO) Said.

The WHO has granted both vaccines prequalification status (a final review process to ensure that vaccines used in immunization programs are safe and effective), and the product selection is based on the characteristics of the program, vaccine supply , and vaccine affordability.” in individual countries.

It is hoped that by producing the two vaccines at different sites and by different companies, there will be enough vaccine to protect all children living in affected areas. Plasmodium falciparum We eradicated malaria and saved hundreds of thousands of young lives.




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