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Examining the possibility of new treatments through animal experiments

Examining the possibility of new treatments through animal experiments


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Animal research may bring us one step closer to new treatments for people genetically predisposed to Alzheimer's disease. Image credit: CRISTINA PEDRAZZINI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images
  • Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, causing up to 70% of the 55 million people with dementia worldwide.
  • About half of people who develop Alzheimer's disease have a mutation in one gene. APOEe4— It increases the risk of developing the disease.
  • This gene variant prevents cells from clearing the beta-amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Currently, research using nematodes and mice has shown that APOEe4 It then allows cells to remove these beta-amyloid deposits, which may reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

As the world's population ages, concerns about dementia are increasing around the world.recent predictions lancet The global burden of dementia is estimated to nearly triple by 2050.

Of these dementia cases, World Health Organization (WHO)60-70% are caused by Alzheimer's disease.

The biggest risk factor for dementia is aging, and the chance of developing dementia increases every year. From 65 years old.

Genetics can also influence whether you develop dementia: 1% of cases The cause of Alzheimer's disease is entirely genetic, and other genes increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

The expressed gene is Apolipoprotein E, Apoe Genes influence Alzheimer's disease risk. one variation, or alleleof this gene, APOEe4which increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and 40-65% of Alzheimer's patients have at least one copy of this allele.

Dr. Emer McSweeneysaid the CEO and Medical Director of Re:Cognition Health. Today's medical news:

“In 2018, APOEe4 Genes are less able to remove waste products from the brain, making it more likely to accumulate toxic levels of amyloid and tau proteins, which are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Toxic amyloid and tau proteins relentlessly destroy further brain cells, leading to the development of characteristic symptoms. [Alzheimer’s disease]”

This time, a team led by researchers from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences APOEe4and suppress its harmful effects. They suggest that this could form the basis of new genetically based treatments for Alzheimer's disease.

This research communication biology.

Dr McSweeney, who was not involved in the study, welcomed the research.

She said: “This research Apoe genes, especially APOEe4 Exploring potential therapeutic strategies targeting alleles and targeting small molecules in Alzheimer's disease APOEe4. This research combines genetic association studies, cellular mechanistic studies, computational modeling, and validation. ”

According to research, APOEe4 There are several effects such as interfere with lipid metabolism and promotes beta-amyloid pathology. Both of these can increase the risk of dementia, but in the case of Alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid pathology is key.

What this latest research has revealed is that APOEe4 block the gene that causes autophagy — Degradation and recycling of worn-out cell parts and intracellular macromolecules. When these genes are inhibited, molecules such as beta-amyloid accumulate instead of being recycled.

As beta-amyloid accumulates, it forms plaques on and around nerve cells, which are thought to cause cognitive impairment and other symptoms characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers used in vitro and in vivo both models Caenorhabditis elegans C. elegans and mice are widely used in genetic research.

They were the first to identify the site on DNA in a molecular model. APOEe4 It binds and inhibits autophagy. They then investigated molecules that could block this region and prevent it. APOEe4 binds and allows continued autophagy of β-amyloid.

One molecule — CBA2 — binds to a stable “pocket” region on the surface. APOEe4block that activity.

Dr. Heather M. Snyder, Ph.D.Commenting on the results, the Alzheimer's Association's vice president for medical and scientific affairs, who was not involved in the study, said:

“It's exciting to see advances in technology that have the potential to accelerate the discovery of treatments, and this newly published research highlights novel therapeutic targets that have yet to be explored. That's interesting. APOEe4 and its action in the brain. However, this study is very preliminary. It has been done in mice and other animal models of Alzheimer's disease. We are still far from knowing whether this treatment is safe and effective in humans. ”

As Dr. McSweeney explained, when the molecule binds to the stable region, it inhibits the gene. MNT: “The lead compound, CBA2, was found to selectively bind to this pocket and was demonstrated to be effective in restoring autophagic transcription. APOEe4– Expression models including primary astrocyte cultures and T98G cells. ”

in C.Elegance CBA2, a worm genetically modified to exhibit Alzheimer's disease-like changes, significantly reduced beta-amyloid accumulation and reversed beta-amyloid decline. chemotaxisC. elegans responses to chemical stimuli.

When researchers treated mice engineered to express APOEe4, the expression of autophagy genes was increased. Dr McSweeney told MNT that the results were encouraging, but urged caution.

“With a mouse, APOEe4, CBA2 increases the activity of key genes involved in cleaning up toxic substances in the brain, a key part of Alzheimer's disease. However, the effect is stronger on the following types of mice: APOEe4 than those who have APOEe4,” she explained.

“While these findings are positive, further research and testing in humans is required to confirm the potential benefits of CBA2 against Alzheimer's disease,” she added.

Researchers suggest that CBA2 could be the basis for treatments to prevent amyloid buildup in people with this gene.

“Identified as a promising therapeutic compound, CBA2 has demonstrated efficacy in reducing symptoms. APOEe4– Problems related to both nematodes and mice. If proven safe and effective in humans, CBA2 has the potential to become a targeted therapy that addresses molecular and behavioral aspects of the disease. [Alzheimer’s disease]especially, APOEe4 Allele. ”

– Dr. Emer McSweeney

Dr McSweeney welcomed the findings, saying:




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