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Personality traits associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke

Personality traits associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Personality traits associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke


A US-funded study has found that certain personality traits, such as anxiety, mood swings, and irritability, called neurotic traits, are associated with early signs of cardiac aging. .

Doctor with a model of a human heart

The study, published in the European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging, is the first to investigate the relationship between these properties and heart structure and function. The findings suggest that people with these characteristics may benefit from additional support and monitoring to reduce their risk of heart disease.

Mental health diagnoses are becoming increasingly common, with one in six adults in the UK living with a common mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety. Mental health conditions have many causes, and for many people they can be a complex combination of factors that are not necessarily within their control. Previous studies have observed associations between mental health and poor heart health, but little is known about how and why these associations occur and the underlying mechanisms. I don't understand.

The researchers, led by Professor Stephen Petersen from Queen Mary University of London, used data from the UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and research resource containing genetic and health information from 500,000 participants in the United Kingdom. The data was analyzed. In this study, neurotic traits are defined as unstable mood, excessive worry, anxiety, irritability, self-consciousness, and sadness. The research team examined more than 30,000 cardiac MRI scans, along with scores for neuroticism, determined by a type of questionnaire regularly used in psychology to assess personality traits, to determine the structure of the heart and Functionality was evaluated.

typical “old” heart

The researchers found that higher neuroticism scores were associated with changes such as smaller and thicker hearts. These characteristics reduce the heart's pumping ability and are typical of “older” hearts. They found this association after adjusting for other factors such as age, weight, and smoking.

The researchers also found that in women, higher scores on neuroticism were associated with changes in the tissue of the heart muscle, which may be a sign of fibrosis, the scarring of heart tissue. discovered. Men with higher neuroticism scores experienced more stiffness in the aorta, the body's largest artery that extends directly from the heart. These are all early markers of adverse cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes.

The findings build on previous research showing that women with mental health conditions are more likely to develop heart failure, and men with mental health conditions are at higher risk of coronary artery disease and heart attacks. .

The researchers hope that these findings will encourage general practitioners and health professionals to closely monitor factors that affect heart health in patients with these characteristics. Helping these patients stay active, manage their weight, and quit smoking can be critical to reducing their risk of heart attack and stroke.

harmful changes occur in the heart

Stephen Petersen, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at Queen Mary University of London, said: “We know there is an important link between mental health and cardiovascular disease outcomes, and our research shows that: “We found that people with neurotic personality traits such as Anxiety, depression, excessive worry, etc. Even when lifestyle factors such as smoking, weight, and age are taken into account, neurotic traits appear to be associated with signs of cardiac aging.

“Next, we want to understand exactly how these properties change how the heart functions and, in the long term, how they affect heart disease risk.”

Professor James Leiper, Associate Medical Director, said: “We know that living with a mental health condition can increase the risk of heart and circulatory disease, and this important research shows that certain personality traits can be early signs of a mental health condition. ” – can cause changes in the heart that are synonymous with heart aging.

“This study highlights the need for healthcare professionals to be mindful that patients who may be at risk for mental health conditions may benefit from support to lower their risk of heart disease. As mental health diagnoses become increasingly common, we hope that future research will further explore these connections. Improving physical and mental health If you're thinking about making lifestyle changes to improve your health, talk to your GP who can help you find the heart care option that's right for you.”

Learn more about mental health and the heart




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