Cult RPG Moon gets first English version on Switch 23 years after release
Moon, which is called “Anti-RPG” by the author, will be released for the first time outside of Japan in August on the Switch, which has been 23 years since its release.
Launched in 1997, the PlayStation RPG called Moon has released its first English version over 20 years after the Nintendo Switch was released in Japan this summer. Moon, including its designers, is often referred to as an anti-RPG because of the way it overturns typical RPG conventions and entertains it.
Moon was never released outside Japan and remained relatively vague, but there are enthusiastic fans among the few who played it. He also introduced some of the anticipatory concepts, such as NPCs that not only stand in one place but also follow a daily schedule. Moon had a direct impact on some games that actually had a bigger impact. Undertail in particular incorporates the concept of non-violent solutions encountered in combat.
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Now Moon will hit a wider audience with its next release on the Nintendo Switch. According to a new trailer released by developer Onion Games, Moon will appear on Switch on August 27 in less than a month. Onion Games staff includes some of the original Moon’s major designers. In addition to Moon, Onion Games designers worked on classic RPGs like Super Mario RPG and Suikoden at about the same time. As the new trailer explains, Moon takes place in a fictional game called Moon World, where players seek to bring love back to the world while following the footsteps of a more typical RPG protagonist into a quest. It leaves a trail of destruction. The trailer also shows the Moon a very unique and diverse visual style that incorporates clay puppets and many other non-traditional techniques.
Over the last few years, some classic PlayStation games have been re-released with great success. Remakes such as “Resident Evil 2” and “Final Fantasy 7” have raised the beloved games to modern standards and have already brought new life to great games. The lunar re-release is a completely different one, trying to show that it took a game that didn’t have the chance to find a large audience and was worth more than its first launch, and that it can continue to stand with little change. I will.
Moons’ first ever English release is an exciting moment for RPG enthusiasts and players interested in the history of video games, but it’s a matter of whether more viewers appreciate it or know it. .. Nevertheless, the Moons Switch release is a labor of love to its developers, an event that some RPG fans have been waiting for decades.
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The Moon will be available on Nintendo Switch on August 27, 2020.
Source: OnionGames / YouTube
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