Colorectal cancer is on the rise among young people. Should the age for screening be lowered? – Nationwide
There are growing calls to start screening for colorectal cancer earlier in Canada, with some provinces considering it amid an “alarming” rise in cases among young adults.
“The incidence of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50 has increased rapidly in recent years, challenging the traditional perception that this disease is a disease of the elderly,” he said. Colorectal Cancer Canada said in a statement Monday.
“This alarming reality is a stark reminder that vigilance and advocacy are paramount in the fight against colorectal cancer.”
Petition started by patients and signed by thousands A bill was submitted to the Ontario Legislature last week calling for the age criteria used for fecal immunochemical tests (FIT) and colonoscopies to be lowered from 50 to 30.
A petition started by Bishop Brigante, who was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last fall, argues that lowering the age criteria for screening would save lives.
“We urge health professionals, policy makers, and health workers to consider the strong evidence supporting the need for this change,” the petition reads.
According to recently released data, colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in Canada and the second leading cause of death. World Health Organization (WHO).
At the time, Dr. Freddie Bray, head of cancer surveillance at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, said that a more Westernized lifestyle, including changes in diet and increased intake of red meat, was gradually being adopted. He said that this may be a factor in the increase. .
In 2023, it is estimated that there will be 24,000 cases of colorectal cancer and 9,300 deaths. government data showed.
Despite the overall decline in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in Canada, the number of cases is decreasing. is increasing among the country's young populationaccording to the Canadian Cancer Society.
The reasons for this change are not conclusive, but research is underway to understand how this increase can be mitigated, said Elizabeth Holmes, director of health policy at the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). he said.
Guidance from CCS and Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care That means people who are not at high risk for colorectal cancer and have no signs or symptoms should be screened with a stool test every two years from age 50 to 74.
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Currently, asymptomatic adults under the age of 50 are not recommended to be tested for colorectal cancer in Canada.
Holmes said in an interview with Global News: “We are monitoring the debate around the age of start for colorectal cancer (screening) and are working closely with experts who are reviewing the research, recognizing that the evidence is evolving. We are having a dialogue,” he said.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center opens Young Adult Colorectal Cancer Clinic in early 2020, with an increasing proportion of patients in younger age groups. It is the only clinic in Japan that specializes in treating colorectal cancer patients under the age of 50.
Dr. Shady Ashamara, surgeon-in-chief of Sunnybrook's Young Adult Colorectal Cancer Clinic, says she has seen many patients in their 20s and 30s diagnosed with the disease, and that “diagnosis is almost always delayed.'' “It will be done,” he said.
“When I visited the clinic last Tuesday, I saw four patients in quick succession, all under the age of 40. So this is not unusual.”
Given the rising number of infections, it is worth considering lowering the age criteria for screening, which could help detect the disease early and cure patients before symptoms progress, Ashamala said. said.
“Given the current increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in younger patients, I think it makes sense to rigorously consider lowering the age of screening,” Ashamala said in an interview with Global News. He spoke at
Where is the region located?
Global News contacted all Canadian provinces and territories to ask if they are considering lowering the age for colorectal cancer screening for people at average risk.
Here's what they had to say:
The Ontario Ministry of Health said its colorectal cancer screening program, ColonCancerCheck, continues to recommend starting at age 50.
“ColonCancerCheck actively monitors colorectal cancer trends and research and continues to evaluate program recommendations based on emerging data,” said WD Lighthall, spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of Health. says.
In Quebec, as in other provinces, regular screening for colorectal cancer begins at age 50 and is recommended every two years until age 74 for people at average risk.
However, screening can begin before age 50 for people who are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer. The state's website says:.
“The Quebec Cancer Program continues to evaluate new recommendations regarding cancer screening and may expand to other age groups if necessary,” said a media representative from the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services. Marie-Pierre Briet told Global News.
“Additionally, opportunistic screening will continue to be available to the entire population after medical evaluation,” she added.
Nova Scotia said it is considering changes to its current testing age.
“Nova Scotia is considering lowering the age criteria for average risk screening,” said Dr. Michael Stewart, medical director of the Nova Scotia Colon Cancer Prevention Program.
“We are part of a national working group examining the evidence to inform these decisions.”
Alberta Health said its colorectal screening program continues to monitor guidelines and apply best practices in the application of these guidelines to consider both the benefits and risks of screening.
Meanwhile, Manitoba said it is not considering changing the screening age at this time.
“We are following the guidelines outlined by the Canadian Preventive Health Task Force,” said Twylla Krueger with CancerCare Manitoba.
“We will evaluate any changes to the recommendations based on systematic reviews and scientific synthesis.”
Nunavut is also not considering changing the age threshold for the FIT test from 50 to 74, said Dr. Sean Wachtel, the territory's chief public health officer.
British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and Yukon had not responded by the time of publication.
Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) say they are collaborating with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, which “evaluates the evidence regarding disease prevention and regularly provides updated clinical practice guidelines to physicians.” Stated.
“The development of guidelines is based on a systematic review of scientific evidence, with input from patients and the public, healthcare professionals, knowledgeable experts, healthcare professional associations, healthcare charities, academic institutions, and guideline developers in other countries. Based on analysis,” the agency said.
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