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Local cricket comment: Lockdown stopped playing – let’s thank those who made it possible to start over


Let’s make one thing clear from the start what happens tomorrow means nothing. And yet it means everything at the same time.

Fourteen weeks have passed since the planned start of the Liverpool Competition 2020 season, the day after the lockdown started. Fourteen weeks that shook the country to the bottom and gave the phrase “It’s just a game” a whole new scale.

How could anyone ever think of a cricket match when tens of thousands of families mourned their loved ones and countless companies worried about their future.

And yet, wasn’t it all we could think? All those scorching Saturdays in April and May stared at the walls, while we should have scratched our guards or sneak the covers or showy shadowy skittles in the captain’s eye line?

When things came back to normal when we could see loved ones for the first time in months who weren’t wondering when to dump them chasing a ball around a field for six hours, for fun but also as part of a wider context , with points at stake?

Tomorrow we can finally.

That doesn’t mean things are back to normal. Changing rooms are closed – so for once the club pariah will be the teammate who will NOT appear in full whites.

Teas are off the menu, and umpires will be watching the ball even more, making sure nobody spills it with their spit. No pork pie and no saliva, as Radiohead may have said.

Still, abnormal cricket is a lot better than no cricket. And it’s much more than everyone thought we’d get in the early days of lockdown.

Many people deserve our thanks before the game starts tomorrow. Starting at the summit, the ECB’s determination to make it through the summers Tests played to lead the way and the players from the West Indies and Pakistan canonized much more, for much less, by agreeing to be part of it to make.

Closer to home, the Competitions Restart Group, consisting of captains, referees and committee members, deserves high praise for its innovative approach.

From where we are now, some people may wonder why the remaining matches can’t go on as planned, instead of splitting up the Competitions clubs into local mini-leagues. The Southport & District League, which also starts tomorrow, opts for that approach and it should go smoothly.

But the caretakers would miss the point. The Restart Group met for the first time in early June. Corona virus restrictions started to ease, but no one knew how smooth the road would be for us. They had to come up with a solution that wouldn’t break through limiting travel distances or a local lockdown.

They had to provide security to clubs that didn’t necessarily have to make a swipe in an instant and that had completely shut down their operations to mitigate the financial impact of the lockdown.

The compromise they came up with isn’t perfect, a party can lose all six of their group games, win the next two and walk away with the prize provided by new sponsors Love Lane Brewery, but it’s the best possible solution for ever-changing circumstances.

Tomorrow’s games feature local wreckage games in Sefton, Wirral and South Liverpool, to name just three. Spectators with a social distance will watch avid local players compete for points and pride. And the bars are open.

Clubs the size of the biggest leagues could not tolerate a wait-and-see attitude. The Restart Group gave them security now that they are going to give us cricket.

And what could mean more?

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